A True Leader

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Everyone rise their hand but me saying they wanted to be it.

Iida said that we would vote on it but I know most people would vote on themselves.

I walked up there and voted for Iida and saw he had one vote and it was mine.

After the votes was added up and the president was Midoriya v president was Yaoyorozu.

Then Iida was looking at the vote with his head low.

Who voted for me he asked.

That would be me I said to him.

Thank you um he said.

Erica I said as I shook my head to side to side.

Then I looked at the votes and saw someone voted for me.

Who voted for me I asked as I stared at it.

No one said a thing so I guess I will have found out on my own.

Ok are we done Awizawa sensei asked us.

Yes we said to him.

Good that was a waist of time he said to us.

Soon it became lunch time and I was about to find a seat when Midoriya came up to me.

Erica take my place as class president he said to me.

Why? I asked him.

Because I think you are the right person for the job he said.

And why is that? I said to him.

Because you are All Might adopted daughter and he could of showed you how to be a leader.

So it is because of All Might? I asked him.

No and you are the daughter of the 3th and 4th hero and your dad was a leader he said to me.

Midoriya no and you have no right to talk about my dad and mom I said to him with angry in my voice.

Sorry he said to me and I cool down.

Sorry I just get so mad when people try having me act close to like them I said to Midoriya as I ate my sandwich.

It ok Erica but I should be with my friends right now he said as he walked away.

Then I heard the sound but I can't remember what it is but it hit me.

Wait there is no heros around then people started running to the door but no one could get throw.

Hey I yelled trying to get people attion but they did not hear.

Then they stopped and I saw it was Iida then stopped them and then everyone went to class.

He was still up there umm Uraraka stop your qurik I said

What Iida and Uraraka yelled

Just do it I said.

She did and Iida started falling and I caught him.

You can open your eyes I said to him as I put him down.

Thanks Erica he said to me and we went to class.

Wait Erica how did you do that Uraka said.

Yeah I was going to asked you the same thing.

Oh I have super strong I said.

That is cool Uraka before we walked in.

We took our seats and waited for Awizawa sensei to show up.

He showed up and he said then we will be going to USJ.

You can wear your hero outfixes if you want he said to us.

I grab my and when to the locker room with the other girls.

I grab my and when to the locker room with the other girls

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By the way you have short and your hair is up.

Hey should I wear the hat I asked them.

Yes Uraka said to me and the other said yes.

Ok I said and we when to the bus.

All Might's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now