Its My Chance

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I was so scare of what they would think that I don't watch everyone fight.

I heard a knock on the door.

Its me Erica Todoroki called out.

Come in I said as I turned away and he came in and sat next to me.

Erica its ok Todoroki started to say but went quite.

No I can't look weak because they are part of spy team captains and I want to I said but stopped as Todoroki put his left hand on my left cheek.

Now where is that Erica who fights with heart then what others think he asked me.

Not here I said rolling my eye.

I think she is he started but I stopped him.

Let her know the want who fights with what others think of her is looking for her I said and Todoroki rolled his eyes.

No she is right here he said as he start lend in with his eyes closed.

What dose he like me I thought he only saw me as a friend because of his father I thought.

Then as he was 2 inches from our lips from touching my we heard Minight called out the winner of the last fight and now its my battle now.

I got to go I said as I pulled my chair back.

Good lucky said Todoroki walking away as I went to the tunnel

Now its Erica Danger from class 1-A yelled Presented Mic.

I walked in there waiting for him to show up.

Now from class 1-B we have Kosei Tsuburaba Presented Mic yelled.

Ready go Minight said to us.

I made my electric whip in my hand and sending it at him but him breathes out and a small wall window blocked the whip.

What the I said as I pulled it back to me.

Its my quirk he said to me but shocked went I punched throw it but he jumped over me.

Now try blocking it now I said as I throwed it at him and he did the same.

Oh I did it he said with a smarking at me.

Wait is he going to attack me or what but could he be try to make me tried before attacking me.

Come on is that all you got he asked me still with that look on his face.

Not in your dreams I said as I send the whip at him but to have it blocked.

I better keep some space between us so I can move away if needed.

~In The crowd Midoriya P.O.V~

Oh no did I missed some of Dangers Ochao asked as the fight started as he block her whip.

No it just started Iida said as they watched as Danger she just throwed the whip at him.

Why is she not attacking het super streght should break throw it Iida asked.

I know but I think she is waiting to see what he will do I said.

Yeah but that whip will never get throw Ochao said.

Yes but he only blockes her attacks when he gets close so he could have hand to hand conbat I explained.

That makes sense she said with a smile.

I think your Iida said as you ran at him.

~ Back to normal P.O.V~

I was right and I ran at him hitting wind wall thing and he jumped but I got the whip around his ankle and pulled him.

Crash and he was down about to get up but I tied the whip around him.

Then he tried getting out but I pulled so it hurt.

Tsuburaba is down Danger wins Minight said.

Good fight I said unite him.

Thanks he said blushing a little.

Let me know when you want a rematch I said walking away.

Yes he said as he walked away and to think he made look stupid by trying the same thing I thought.

I walked out to where class A was and ran into the last person I wanted to.

Stay away from Shoto the best hero said to me.

Why I asked him glaring at the flame hero.

You're in the way of him beating All Might and you he said glaring back.

I don't think so I said as I grabbed the whip in case his flame get out of control from his angry.

Why you he said as flames came out of his arm.

Cool off said my older brother who throwed water on his arms to put out the flames.

He growled as the two of my older brothers walked to me.

Go them both yelled made water guns and pointed it at him.

Then he left and they told me good jod.

You can live with us if you like Hawk Eye said to me.

That nice but All Might needs me or I would.

Ok sis see you soon they said to you.

Are you staying I asked them.

No Dead Shot has to go to Hosu city and I have to keep watch for more crime in our area said Hawk Eye.

Ok bye I said to him as we when our own ways.

I will win this whole thing because I know my parents would want me to.

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