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Young Danger you did a good job All Might said in normally state. 

Thanks I said turning around but I fell on my face.

Are you ok All Might asked running over to me.

Yes give me a minute I said as tried get up but yelped out in pain.

Where dose it hurt at All Might asked me.

In my right arm and leg I said to him.

Let get you healed up he said picking me up.

You will be fine she said as she kissed my cheek.

Is it from my weapon quirk again I asked her.

Yes but its different she said to me and All Might.

Its like the pain your mom makes on creation type quirks she said.

But that is impossible I said with a shocked face.

Know because she is died she said.

How is it possible All MIght asked her.

If she is alive she said to him.

Yeah and the  heroes found their bodies I said to them.

I know she said to us.

Did she have a family member alive I asked her.

No she doesn't said All Might.

Maybe I over use it I said trying to push this away I said to them.

Yes but you need to keep a close eye out All Might said to me.

Always do I said as I laid there and she left.

All Might its not possible right I asked  him staring at the wall.

I don't know Erica he said do me with a sad face.

That's not what I wanted to hear I said as I felt like crying again like the day I find out about their gone.

Sorry he said to me about to leave where are you going I asked him.

I watch Midoriay  fight he said to me.

I coming with you I said trying to get up but fell back.

No need rest for your next match he said to me.

But here watch it from here he said to me.

Ok I said In defeated as I laid back in the bed to rest back I will fight in the 3 third round of battles,

After a few minutes of battle I fell asleep.

                                                            The dream

I was in a white room and across from it I saw a younger me working on my quirk and then I wip come out my hand.

Yes she said as she swing it at a tree and it started broking and coming down at me.

Ahh she screamed as it came down and closed her eyes.

No I said as I ran and I was close any I jumped to push her out the way and I when throw her and rolled to the other side.

Then I saw the tree broken in half after it touch her head.

No way I said as I sat up then I heard the same voice of my mom.

Erica are you ok she yelled then stop after seeing the tree.

Dear is she ok her dad said coming out of the house in his hero clothes on.

Yes but she is like her bothers with both of our quirks she said happy.

Is that really me I asked on one.

Then she was in the house as her parents when to work.

A knock was at the door and called out to her.

Erica we need to talk said All Might said.

What is it she asked as she opened the door.

Erica your parents are gonna and they are not returning he said to her.

No that is not true she said to him.

I'm sorry it is he said to her trying to huge her but she pushed him away and ran to her room.

Erica how are you liking your past a shadow like person said to me.

Stop I said with tears in my eye.

I don't want to it said as she pushed me down a dark hole and I wake up.


Are you ok Erica Midoriya asked me.

Yes I said laying down in the bed.

Ok Erica he said to me.  

All Might's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now