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==Adrien's POV==
A constant beeping floods my empty room, remaining successful in its daily mission of waking me up. Sitting up and stretching as I yawn and move off the bed to get up I mutter a sleepy good morning to the kwami sleeping on one of my pillows. "Can't we just stay asleep for the rest of the day, Kid?" He asks, annoyance clear in his voice.

"No Plagg, you know my father would never allow it. Come on, you gotta eat breakfast before we leave." I tell him, another yawn racking my body as I walk into my bathroom and start to brush my teeth. "Hey Plagg, did you notice how strange Ladybug was acting yesterday during that akuma? She seemed to tire out really quickly. Wouldn't stop talking about her headache either." I say after spitting out the rest of the toothpaste and rinsing my toothbrush off.

"Yeah I noticed that too. Maybe Tikki would know something about it." He says quietly, eating his smelly cheese. "Tikki, Ladybug's kwami?" I ask curiously, grabbing my bag and opening my shirt, which he flies into after one last piece of cheese. "Yeah, I could ask her today while you're in class. I know where to find her. Oh, and don't worry about an akuma, I'll be back before one can cause trouble." He says with a careless look on his face as I thank him and let go of my over shirt.

"Adrien after school today you will have fencing class from 3-4 PM, followed by Chinese lessons from 4-5 PM, and the-" "Yeah yeah, piano lessons till six then a modeling gig in the morning so I'll need to go to bed early. Thanks Nathalie. How is my father doing?" I ask after interrupting the only thing close to a mother figure in my life at the moment.

Then again, I do not regard her as a mother, more like an aunt. "Hm, he is doing well this morning. He is very busy with many different meetings scheduled today. I'll be waiting by the door to escort you to school." She says and then promptly leaves. Sighing, I start to eat breakfast alone. Again.

~~(time skips)~~

"Thanks guys, I'll see you at four." I thank Nathalie and my bodyguard, who I've always nicknamed Gorilla for how his body is built and his lack of conversation. "Hey dude, what's up?" Nino greets at the bottom of the school stairs. "Nothing much Nino, hm? Oh hey Marinette, hey Alya." I greet the others who join our little group.

"I need to go and speak to Madame Bustier about something, I'll see you all in cla-" Marinette begins to say when she winces and nearly falls, catching me by surprise. "Marinette are you okay?" I ask while catching her. She nearly fell head first into the pavement!

"You better be telling her that you're going home cause you are in no condition to be here! You've been like this all morning, not to mention all week." Alya exclaims, taking both of her friend's hands in her's. "No, no I'm fine. I really do need to go. I'll see you guys in class." She says, her voice sounding rough. "She's been coughing and falling a lot lately, do you guys think something is wrong?" Alya says as a worried stricken look crossed over her face.

"What do you mean? Has she really been doing it that much?" I ask, my head whipping around so I can look at her. "Yeah dude. She had to be sent to the nurse yesterday because she was practically coughing up her lungs and she couldn't hardly speak!" Nino says before the school bell rings. I can't believe I've not hardly noticed any of it. "I hope Mari made it to Madame Bustier." I mumble as we walk up the stairs.

I sit down at my usual seat in the front with Nino as Madame Bustier and Marinette have a conversation hidden from behind the clipboard our teacher carries. When the final bell rings for class to begin Madame Bustier lowers the clipboard, a solemn look on her face. It goes unnoticed from the others though, all of them distracted by their own conversations.

It isn't until Madame Bustier stands at the front of the class and clears her throat that everyone turns their attention to her. "Okay class, Marinette has something very important to tell us and I need everyone to listen to what she says. Marinette, are you ready," she announces before stepping back for the blunette to make her announcement.

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