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==Adrien's POV==
It was a quick rush to get to the printers so that I could ask to print out those pictures. Luckily the man at the counter had a daughter who was a big fan of me, so I wrote and signed a note to her on a poster he had saved up to buy for a few years. I felt bad cause he didn't even do it saying that he'd look at my pictures if I didn't, he was just a dad who wanted his daughter to be happy. His name was Aaron, and I left him five hundred dollars. I'll get hell for it when I go home but I don't care, I just want to get back to Marinette.

Running back to her house I pass by a cafe. She had been saying something about lunch so I figured she was hungry. "Excuse me can I get a dozen blueberry muffins and some Camembert tarts?" I ask nervously. "Hm? Oh sure." Black haired, blue tipped, boy says. He looks really familiar. "Wait, Luka?" I ask and he looks up quickly, a grin forming on his face. "Oh hey Adrien, what's up? I thought models usually go on strict diets?" He says, leaning against the counter as somebody makes my order from behind him.

"Yeah well it isn't actually all for me, I'm bringing it to Marinette." I say with an awkward laugh and his faces flushed at the mention of Marinette. "She's really cool," he says and looks up at the ceiling with a lovestruck smile, "I haven't been able to talk to her much recently because of school and work but Juleka says that she's going to invite her and all of her friends over for a sleepover next weekend." He says dreamily.

"Yeah well I'm gonna get going now, Marinette is sick and this is a surprise for her." I say after paying and as I turn around I look over my shoulder and glance at him, "And I wouldn't try asking her out. She's under a lot of stress right now and doesn't need anymore added on." As I start walking her jumps over the counter, one of his coworkers yelling at him, and asks, "What's wrong with her?" He asks worriedly.

"I- that....that isn't for me to tell." I say sadly and walk away with two bags of treats for Marinette, myself, and Plagg in both hands and the photos hidden under my arm. Dipping into an alley and transforming behind a dumpster I jump back out, one of the bags being held in my mouth so that I can use my staff with a bit more ease. It doesn't take me long to get to her house, having memorized the trip from so many visits, that when I get there I notice her sitting on her chaise.

Opening the trapdoor and sitting on the railing of her loft bed I say, "That's nice to know that you think I'm a charmer Princess." I say with a smirk, her head whipping over to look at me as she says, "O-oh hi Kitty," and something red zips away as quickly as possible. "What's meowong Purrrincess, mew look like you just saw a ghost." I say with a cocked eyebrow. Sitting up she laughs lightly and shakes her head at my puns.

"Nothing's wrong Kitty, you just surprised me is all. What're you doing here?" She asks with a small smile on her face, standing up and walking over to where I drop down and great her with a large smile. "Well I wanted to check in on you and hang out. I brought some muffins!" I say and then smirk at her, "I also got those photos printed." Her face blushes a slight pink.

"Can we hang them up?" I ask happily, my face lighting up as she gives a gentle laugh. "Sure, come on Chaton, we can hang them up by the other-" suddenly we both hear the creaking of steps being climbed and Marinette's mother say she's coming in. In the split of a second Marinette looks at me fearfully and then shoves me under her desk, pinning me to the floor as she blocks anyone from seeing me with her body. Both of our faces are bright red as her mom opens the trapdoor.

"Marinette the doctor came over to see if you got home safe, oh sweetheart are you okay? What're you doin on the floor?" She asks, standing up in the room. "Oh uh, I'm fine maman I just, uhhh, dropped something and was trying to pick it up!" She lies and I hand her the folder with the pictures. Carefully turning around she sits cross legged in front of the desk, still blocking me from her mother's sight.

"Got them, hehehehe." She says and laughs nervously. "Oh alright, well come down to the kitchen when you're ready. He just wants to check your blood pressure and heart rate." She says and returns downstairs. Marinette breathes in a sigh of relief and looks over at me. "That was a close one." She says and I nod along before laughing. "You stupid cat." She says and helps me out from under the desk. "Come back later tonight, we can hang them up then." She says and pecks me on the cheek before going downstairs.

Holding my cheek where she kissed me, my eyes widen and I feel my cheeks redden. Leaving the muffins and photos, taking a few for my room, on her desk, I climb back out of her room and make my way to my house. I can't wait for tonight.

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