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Marinette had always been strong, before and after she became Ladybug. Before and after she knew she was sick. Before and after her battle with her best friend as her opponent. Marinette made sure she was always strong. She had to be. Had to be strong for her parents, it was no cakewalk to run and own a bakery while raising a child (especially one who became a superhero later on), had to be strong for her classmates, if she didn't take the brunt of the bullying, who else would? She had to be strong for her teachers and the citizens of Paris. She had to be strong for Chat, her sweet and wonderful Kitty. That's why, when she put the ring on her finger, adjusted her earrings to make sure they stayed in, she stood up.

For the first time in so long, Marinette stood up without help. Marinette's head was clear, no pain, no need for medication to sedate the wicked and horrid screaming that never stopped in the echoing vault that was her mind. Marinette stood up and transformed. She didn't take the time to look at her suit, she could already feel the ears and tail and the harmony her two friends created when their powers were used on one vessel, but despite this power and strength she could feel and understand why no one was meant to wield the two miraculouses at once.

Her head was clear, yes, but there were brief moments, simple yet distracting flashes, that called out to her. They whispered to her, told her things. They whispered tales of truth and lies, told her stories of days to pass and come. They chipped and ate away at her sanity, one nano-second at a time. But Marinette was strong. Marinette stood up, thanked her master and said her goodbye.

When Marinette left, her tea went cold. Marinette did not run through the streets, she did not zip or vault through the sky, nor did she do various series of impressive acrobatic anomalies. Marinette walked down the Parisian streets, she walked calmly and serenely, taking in each and every step on the cobbled and paved roads. The cars stopped before her, their passengers opening up their doors in confusion to see why their hero was walking.

Marinette smiled and gave them kind looks, but not once did she stop walking. And when Alya, who of course rushed over as soon as she heard that THE Ladybug was just walking in plain sight down the street, showed up with her phone, Marinette still did not stop walking. She gave Alya a sad and knowing smile upon being asked the question, "Why are you doing this?"

"Simple, I'm saying my last goodbye. Oh, and Alya? There's a key in your locker. Use it on the diary box, I hope you won't be too mad that I never told you." Marinette was strong. Her steps were confident, shaky, but never undetermined. She knew exactly where her Kitty was. And it wasn't the Eiffel Tower.

It didn't take Marinette long to get to the Agreste Mansion. Marinette could see him, the silhouette of Hawk Moth looking out of his opened glass window. It was a beautiful day after all, Marinette understood why he would keep it open despite his moths preferring the darker and cooler mood that the window brought when covered by the large sliding metal plates. There were few clouds, a storm was on the horizon but it was a warm day and, as far as everyone could tell, lightning did not inhabit the rain-bringing sky-marshmallows.

There was a cool breeze, and the sun didn't bear down too harshly, graciously granting the Parisian's a nice and warm day. The drizzle the rain clouds would bring soon would be nice and warm. Marinette found herself smiling, she always did like a nice warm rain. Marinette was strong.

Marinette did not remember how she got into the large room with the window- no, that had the window, it was broken and scattered in shards where she stood. "Welcome Ladybug, I suppose you finally found my hiding place?" Hawkmoth greeted, his voice bouncing off the walls. He was in the middle of the room, standing up and pressing the folds of his sleek suit down. He wouldn't want them to crease after all.

"I've had my suspicions for a while now sir, as I'm sure you have had of me. Is it okay if I ask you one question?" Marinette had said, a pause between her sentences. She now remembered using her javelin (that had a retractable point much like a grappling hook but stabby instead of grabby) to launch herself into the air and allow herself to break the glass while she jumped in.

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