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It had been six months since Marinette had received the news that she only had a year left. Even though it was estimated she still had six months left she had began to look like she could drop dead at any moment. Her movements were slow and sluggish in and out of costume, despite Tikki trying her hardest to help.

Dr. Louis started visiting weekly, each time coming with the same sad and tired smile as he saw that whatever had been keeping Marinette alive for so long had started to fade. No matter what he did, he just couldn't find a way to bring it back. He tried to explain it to his patient's parents but he began, no, he had been tired of giving them the same news. That with each and every week Marinette's health was dwindling by the second.

It was with his last visit that he decided he'd have to hospitalize her as soon as he could. Standing in front of Marinette's class door, he felt his tongue grow heavy in his mouth, his mouth going dry as all the moisture went straight to his palms and his throat began to knot itself to oblivion with his stomach. He could barely even hear Marinette's voice despite the door being completely open. "And this is my doctor, Dr. Louis, if you'd like to come in it'd be much appreciated." Marinette managed to croak out with a cough, blood splattering against her hoodie sleeve.

Walking in with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, he stood next to Marinette and cleared his throat. Noticing the group of teens that he had seen her traveling with often, including the girl that had walked in on one of Marinette's checkups. "Hello, I am Dr. Louis, I have been taking care of Marinette. I...I am here to tell you that she will be hospitalized by the end of next we-" suddenly he is interrupted by a loud shout and a blond boy he recognized to be the model, Adrien Agreste, standing up and knocking his chair over with the momentum.

"What do you mean? She is going to get better, you don't need to take her away." He says, outrage and grief stricken in his voice. "Adrien." Marinette croaked out as she wiped some blood off the side of her mouth. "Listen son I'm sor-" He began again only to be cut off as Adrien walked out from behind his desk despite his teacher's orders to sit back down. "There is nothing to be sorry for because she is going to get better." He said with a steely voice and set jaw.

Marinette gasped quietly and quickly turned her head away. "There is no reason to take her away-" "Look at her boy! She is coughing up blood! She isn't even able to stand right now, she's so weak!" And it was true, Marinette had been assigned to sit in a wheelchair for the past few weeks. "She is dying boy and I am trying my hardest to save her so I need you to sit back down so I can tell you what she asked me to come here to tell." Dr. Louis said with a stubborn glare.

"Sit down please." Marinette said, her raspy voice barely above a whisper. Hesitantly, Adrien day back down and stared at the doctor with furrowed brows. Sighing, Dr. Louis pinched the bridge of his news, feeling a headache coming on. "I am here to tell everyone what exactly will happen to Marinette if she doesn't get better." He says, his face holding a sadness all the students could recognize as a sharp, "She will," is muttered from Adrien.

Dr. Louis looks to Marinette who nods and gives him a small, comforting smile. "Within the next week Marinette will be taken to the hospital. We will perform a surgery to work to remove the tumor first. If the surgery goes well then we will work on the thyroid cancer. If that goes well too then she, in theory, will be released after it is clear she has made a well enough recovery." He says, his heart plummeting to his stomach as he sees most of Marinette's classmates faces light up with hope and delight.

"Unfortunately, we believe it will be very likely she will make a recovery. This is supported by the fact that, despite us having done multiple scans, we cannot place where the tumor is-" he states and hears a brisk, "Tch" followed by a, "I told you all she isn't even sick. She's still just faking it," coming from the back of the classroom. Adrien jumps back up again and glares at Lila, spitting out a venomous, "You wanna day that again?"

Slowly, Marinette struggles to wheel herself over to Adrien but manages to get as close as she can, meaning the very bottom of the stairs, before taking his hand and giving it a hopeful squeeze. "If it makes you feel better, I'm learning this news with you all." She says, and everyone gasps after straining to hear her. "What do you mean, Marinette?" Chloe asks, her lip quivering. In the recent months after walking in on her, Chloe had done her best to make up for all of the years of mistreatment, and have even become a better person because of it.

"She wanted to learn all of this with you, so she asked for me to report all of this to everyone so as to prevent confusion and to keep everyone in the light on her sickness." He explained with a stoic look. "Will Marinette be able to leave the hospital?" Rose asks, tears welling up in her vision as her, relationship hidden, girlfriend, Juleka, held her hand and had been rubbing comforting circles onto it using her thumb.

"No, it isn't very likely. She will still be allowed to have visitors — during visiting hours of curse — until the time comes when her health doesn't allow her to have any. When that time comes, well, there won't be much we can do anymore." Dr. Louis explained and for the first time, the students could see how troubled and saddened by this he truly was, as a tear rolled down his cheek and landed on the clipboard he carried.

"I have to return to the hospital now, I wish you all a good day. Thank you for listening." He says and leaves, Marinette giving him a small wave goodbye. Everyone's eyes fell on the girl in the wheelchair as she began coughing. Adrien, reacting on pure instinct, immediately grabbed a rag he had been carrying around ever since she started coughing up blood while he was transformed around her. He didn't only carry it for her either, since Ladybug's health had been deteriorating a little slower than his Princess's.

All he knew was that his Princess was dying and something was wrong with his Lady. And if there was one thing he knew for sure was that he couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand it one bit. Everyone watched as he offered Marinette the rag, down on one knee so as to be able to look her in the eyes, and saw the slow tear that rolled down his cheek.

And everyone saw him sprint out of the room. But what they didn't see was him running from the black butterfly he had noticed behind Marinette. It had followed him, as he had hoped, but now he couldn't stop the flow of emotions he had been allowing to take over in the classroom. And he knew, as the akuma landed on his ring, that he would pay for it.

"It's such a shame, a knight fighting his princess's battle and losing right in front of her. Go, Chat Blanc, and save her, but in return I ask for yours and Ladybug's miraculouses."

"It would be meow pleaspurrr, HawkMoth."

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I've updated. If you'd all go to the conversations bit on my page and tell me what you're wanting (a Violentine fic or the first chapter of Numb's sequel) I'd be very grateful. Anyways, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great day/night!

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