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==Adrien's POV==

Our quest for the popular, love bringing, ice cream man lasted longer than we thought it would, nearly being three hours long with a few stops to take a break as Marinette's coughing became more and more frequent. "Hey guys, I think that's him!" Marinette says in between heart wrenching coughs. I was surprised her lungs hadn't been thrown out of her body and onto the ground by how horrid they sounded.

It was as if she was gargling nails! "Dang girl you're right! Are you okay though? Your coughs have gotten worse over the past week." Alya asks worriedly, Marinette wipes her mouth clear of the water she had coughed out from the gulp she had taken as the fit hit. "I'm fine, really. Come on, let's go." She lied. Every single part of me wants to fling myself at her and hold her.

But I can't, because I'm Adrien and not Chat Noir at this moment. I want to take her hand, to kiss her knuckles, to take her somewhere and read the note I left on her leg as we laugh together. Instead I do what I can and laugh, running to catch up with her and taking her hand when I get close enough. She smiles at me but looks a bit uncomfortable. I mean I did fall asleep with her as Chat Noir last night, maybe she feels like she'd be cheating on Chat Noir? We aren't dating but still, it's cute.

"Ah, sorry Mari. Didn't know you had a boyfriend." I say and put both hands into my pocket as I wink at her and her face turns to a strawberry. "Marinette! How are you this morning?" André exclaims, walking out from behind his stall to hug her. "Bonjour André, I'm doing alright, how are you?" She says, leaving me speechless. Alya and Nino catch up with us, Alya now giggling over the video or picture she probably took of us holding hands, Nino punches me in the arm and laughs, congratulating me for making a move.

"Ah and I see that you brought friends! Bien bien. Alya, Nino, how are you two? Still a beautiful couple I see!" André says and turns to me. "Oh and the Agreste boy, Adrien am I right?" He asks and I nod. "Yes sir, how are you today?" I ask politely. "Well I'm doing just fine! Marinette it's so nice to see that you got a boyfriend, it's so very very nice to see you so happy." He says happily, hugging us both.

Marinette starts to cough really bad, as soon as she's let out from his grasp she runs over to a trash can and throws up in it from coughing so hard. Turning around she catches her breath and reaches into her purse, taking out a different bottle and popping two more pills. "Sorry." She says sheepishly, walking back over to us. "And no André we are not dating, sorry to burst your bubble." Marinette told him with a small smile.

"Ah well then the other guy must be very lucky because somebody is making you happy. I can see it in your eyes. And in the note popping out on your leg." He says with a laugh and then gets serious, Alya going around Marinette and freaking out when she sees my note barely popping out under her pants leg and asking how long it's been there and who wrote it. "But seriously are you okay?" He asks and she gives him a sad smile.

"Yeah I'm fine." She lies. "What no you aren't Marinette." I say to her and she gives me a stern look. "Yeah Marinette don't lie, your coughing has only gotten worse today. Maybe this wasn't the best idea." Alya says discouraged. "Marinette what's wrong?" André asks sadly. "It's nothing, I'm just sick." She says, scratching the back of her neck. "Sick with what? A cold?" He asks. "Thyroid and brain cancer." She says softly. "Oh I see. Well that's okay! You are a fighter Marinette, you'll pull through, come here and get some ice cream."

"Thanks André." Marinette says to the man, her sad smile sticking around. "You okay Mari?" I ask her. Turning to face me she nods, "Yeah, I'm alright. Come on, let's see what André has in store." She says happily. "Let's see, Marinette yes? Yes yes, here we go, starting off with a new flavor! Charcoal, or black ice cream, for the clothes he wears! Chocolate chip mint for his eyes, the ones that I'm sure stare into yours." He ends with a laugh whenever we see Marinette's face flush a bright red, "And finally mango for his hair, as blond as the sun is bright. Here you go Marinette, it's on the house, get to feeling better soon. I'm sure Prince Charming is waiting for you." He says, handing the red girl her ice cream.

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