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==Marinette's POV==
Tears slid down my parents cheeks as they asked my doctor what he meant. "From what the blood tests have shown us is that Marinette May have less time than we expected. There is something interesting about her blood though, it's like there's something in it that's keeping her standing. It's quiet fascinating, you've raised yourselves a healthy young woman. If it hadn't had been for this strange thing young Marinette here would have to be hospitalized immediately! We still can't tell how much longer she has to live however, I apologize." Dr. Louis says.

"Thank you Doctor. I believe I should get my parents back home now. It's getting late, have a goodnight and say hello to your husband for me." I tell him as I help my parents up and out of the room. "No problem Marinette! Oh and he says hello as well." Dr. Louis yells back from the room as he prepares it for the next patient's use.

I know that the magic that turned me into Ladybug is the only thing keeping me alive right then. I know this and I don't care. I'm grateful for the extra time to be with my friends and family but I'd be lying if I said that I'm not scared. I feel selfish that I'm almost wishing for my sickness to just get everything over with and kill me already. I don't want to hurt anyone, so the quicker I die the quicker everyone would get over my death.

When I had gotten home my parents had finally broken out of their shocked stupor. "Guys, can't breath! Let go please." I ask as they crush me in a hug. "Marinette are you okay? How are you feeling? What can we do?" Papa asks worriedly. "I'm fine Papa, really. My headaches haven't even been that bad today! And I hardly coughed today as well!" I lie, my throat is sore from coughing so much and my head is pounding at the moment, but they don't need to know that. I've been able to hide my hoarse voice so far, I just need to continue a little bit longer.

"Then what do you need? Is there anything we can do?" Maman asks. "Can I go to sleep? I'm really tired from how much blood they took." It's not exactly a lie, they did take a lot today. "O-okay dear. Head on up there then. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, we love you." Maman stutters, bitting back her tears. "I love you all too, and don't worry Mama, everything will be fine." I tell her as I wipe away her tears and kiss them both on the cheek.

When I head up to my room I use my pillows to make it look like I'm sleeping before transforming and doing a quick patrol, having to take a few breaks from being dizzy. When I see that everything is in the clear I land on the Eiffel, stumbling into the cold hard metal as a coughing fit ravages through my body. "That doesn't sound good, are you okay M'lady?" Chat asks, appearing from the other side. "Oh hey," I say through the fit, "Chat, how long have you been here?" I ask, years pricking the sides of my eyes from coughing so hard.

"Not long, I was making sure a friend of mine was okay. The question is, are you okay?" He asks, a look of concern on his face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I lie, "Oh, so then what did you call this meeting for?" He asks, clearly not buying my weak attempt at lying. "Sit down Chat, we have a lot to talk about." I say, sitting down on the cold metal.

He raised an eyebrow and takes a seat next to me, the wind blows against us. "How was your day?" I ask him, only to be met with silence as he stares solemnly at the ground below us. "I found out that one of my best friends is dying, and they refuse to admit that they're scared." He says and his body shakes. "Oh Chat, I'm so sorry." I tell him, reaching out my hand and placing it on his shoulder.

Tears slide down his cheeks and land on his leather-covered legs. Damn it, now I can't tell him, I don't want to hurt him anymore than he's already hurting. "Chat, I may not know them, but I'm sure that everything will turn out alright for them. If they're close enough to you to make you cry for them then I'm sure that they're a good person." I tell him, a sad smile plastered onto my face. I hate seeing him cry. "Thanks Bugaboo, that means a lot. I'm gonna make sure that she lives a good and happy life, no matter how much longer it lasts." He says with a weak smile.

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