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~~~Adrien's POV~~~
Jumping over the rooftops of Paris went by longer than in my head than it did really as I ran to Marinette's house. Now I'm sitting outside of the trapdoor to her room. We had been friends for nearly two years since she helped me defeat the Evillustrator so I came over often. Opening up the hatch like it's second nature, I drop down onto her loft bed. She wasn't in her room, which I had found odd seeing as she spent most for her time in her home up here.

Looking around and seeing printed out pictures of her and all of our friends, even a few of her with me as Adrien, all pinned up to the walls using thumbtacks. One stood out however. It was a picture of us, her and I while I'm Chat Noir. We were standing sitting on the lawn chair on her balcony staring at the sky when she had fallen asleep in my arms under a quilt I brought. I had taken a picture of us on her phone, hopping that she'd see it one day and it'd put a smile on her face.

I didn't expect her to print it out and put it up on her wall. Muffled voices came from below the room as Marinette and Alya both walked into the room, quickly while girls are engrossed in their conversation, I jump down and baseball slide underneath Marinette's chaise.

"I told you Alya, everything will be fine. You can go home, it's not like I'll drop dead in my sleep yet." Marinette said with a laugh, meeting  Alya's tired smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But you better expect me to start dropping by in the morning before school." Alya comments, hugging Marinette desperately and tightly before reluctantly leaving.

"Okay Chat, come on out. It's rude to eavesdrop you know." She says and as I crawl out from under the piece of furniture she stands with her arms crossed, head cocked up, and a grin on her face. "Good afternoon Princess, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" I ask, resting my chin on my hands as the other half of my body stays under the chaise.

"Okay, come on out kitty. Isn't tonight patrol night? What are you doing here?" She asks and sits down on the chaise, patting the spot next to her for me to join. "Well apparently Ladybug has something to tell me so I decided to come here while she patrols alone tonight. Would, would you like me to leave?" I ask as I sit down. "No, you know that I love your visits. You're always welcome here, you know that." She exclaims, looking at me worriedly. "Princess? Is something wrong? You look scared." I ask, moving my hand to hold her cheek. She sighs and leans into the touch as she stares at the ground.

"I, I have to tell you something Chat. But I'm scared you'll freak out or be mad that I didn't tell you before. I told my class today and they didn't take it well, and I'm even closer to you rather than them in a way." She says quietly and I pull her into a hug so that she can't see the tears that prick at my cheeks. I wipe them away and calm myself down as I ask her what's wrong.

"I have ca-" "Marinette! The doctor just called," Her mom interrupts as she runs up the ladder and goes to open the trapdoor, Marinette pushes me off of the chaise and rolls over on top of me. "Oh, dear are you alright?" Sabine asks. "Yeah mom, you just scared me, what did the doctor say?" She asks, straddling my hips as she sits up and looks at her mother who cannot see me. "He said that they performed the test on your blood and they need you to come back in right now so that they can perform a few more test. They say it should only take an hour or two so if you'll grab a coat or something then we can head out. It'll be cold tonight." Her mother says and then heads back downstairs.

Marinette sighs in relief and then looks down at me. "Why hello there Princess, the view is lovely tonight, isn't it?" I ask with a smirk. "No not really, it's raining cats and dogs." She combats with a raised eyebrow and a grin. "Purrincess that's unfurrtunate, it seems that my view is much betpurr." I say with a wink and she giggles, getting up and walking over to her closet.

"What're you looking for Princess?" I ask, I was curious how the doctor finished testing her blood so quickly and as to what made them want more of Mari's blood but I'll ask later. "A jacket." She says with a small smile before pulling out a, oversized, leather jacket resembling my suit. The zipper is a small bell. "Marinette that's so cool! Did you make that?" I ask as I cross over to the room and crouch down to be able to look at it from all over.

"Yeah, I modeled it after your suit. I was gonna give it to you but I don't want to reveal your identity because of it. That's why I took your measurements a few weeks ago. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll be able to wear it one day without giving away your identity." She says, giving me a soft smile as I stare at her in confusion.

What does she mean it'll be safe to wear it one day? I'd certainly trust her with my identity if she wanted to know who's under the mask, which I'm certain she is wondering, but she's never asked. I'll have to ask her after patrol. "You better go Chat, come visit me after patrol, also I'd call Ladybug before you go. I have a feeling she might be caught up in something." She says as I stand back up.

"Hm, alright then Princess. I'll see you later, oh and Princess," I say before leaving, "Thank you for letting this alley cat in." I say and kiss her hand before leaving. It's not much, it certainly isn't, but as long as Marinette lets me by her side, I'll be there to protect her.

After all, I am her knight.

And a knight always helps his Princess in battle.

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