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A/N: Quick note! THIS IS THE REVISED VERSION OF THIS CHAPTER!!!! I was able to watch the last half of season 3 and was FINALLY able to see the Chat Blanc episode (anyone else wanna hear more of the "Kitty Alone On A Rooftop" song????) so I'm just tweaking the chapter a little to fix some of the things I described, and to make up for "re-releasing" this chapter, a new one of both this, and my other book Scars, will both be coming out in the morning! Stay awesome everyone, goodnight!
==Marinette's POV==

Sitting outside on my balcony I scanned the horizon for the seventh time in the past ten minutes. Adrien went missing yesterday after running out of the classroom and disappearing. His father, Gabriel, had closed the doors to his mansion and hasn't been seen since. Tikki has been worried beyond belief, worried out of her mind for not only me and my health, but for Plagg. We haven't seen Chat since the night before Adrien went missing. He had spent the night, which he had been doing more and more as of late.

I miss my Kitty. Sighing, I turn around and roll my wheels over to my window. "Going somewhere, Princess?" A familiar voice says, sending a chill down my spine before I turn around as quick as possible. "Chaton!" I yell and fling myself out of my wheelchair and wrap my arms around his neck. I bury my face into it, soaking him in as he spins me around in his arms. His skin is cold, like he's been outside for too long. He smells different, like wind and...what is that?

He gives out a low chuckle, his hands and arms wrapped around my waist. "Where have you been...Kitty?" I begin to ask, moving my face out of his neck to look at him. But this can't be Chaton. I scramble to get away from him, only to end up falling and almost hitting my head on the metal fence around my balcony. But he saves me, quickly moving one arm to be under my back and the other behind my head.

"Careful Princess, we wouldn't want you to get hurt." He says, a sly grin on his face as his now blue eyes glow bright and hungry with his gaze. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Chat Noir?" I ask, turning my head to cough into my sleeve. I wish I could transform, but I left Tikki in my room and told her to get some sleep.

"Oh, don't worry, it's still me Princess, I've just taken on a new name. Hawkmoth always did have a way with naming those his butterflies touched." He says, picking me up and setting me down in my wheelchair. "N-no, Chat what did he do to you? What happened?" I ask, tears streaming down my face. He wipes them away, his claw raking against my cheek but leaving no mark.

"Hawkmoth offered me a deal. I get to protect you for the rest of my life, and all for the small price of the cat and ladybug miraculouses. So it seems like we'll be spending a lot more time together Princess." He finishes, his claw gently pulling down my button lip as his cold nose brushed against mine. What did Hawkmoth do to my Kitty? "But you have the cat miraculous, Chaton." I point out, my hands shaking. I'm stalling. "Exactly Princess, one meow to go." He says and presses our foreheads together.

I see a small flicker of red but force myself to ignore it. If I look at Tikki then he'll know she's here. "Oh Chat, you have to see that he's using you, Hawkmoth is using you Kitty, can't you see that?" I ask, my vision getting blurry as tears threaten to spill. Fury creeps into his features. "You know where he is, don't you Chat? You could call Ladybug and she could defeat him and set you free. You wouldn't have to hurt anyone Chat. You wouldn't be under his control." I say, tears falling down my cheeks and dropping onto the concrete ground.

"I am under nobody's control. I will save you Princess. Even if it's the last thing I do." He says and sets me back down in my wheelchair. "And nobody will stop me. Not even Ladybug." He says, kneeling down and holding my face gently, his once black leather suit now as white as snow. His tail doesn't swish back and forth behind him, merely staying still as he places a soft kiss on my lips and leans into my ear to whisper, "It isn't nice to keep secrets Princess," before snatching Tikki out from a potted plant she had managed to sneak into. "Tikki!" I yell out and grab Chat's arm. "What are you doing so far from home, bug?" He asks with a growl as furrowed eyes as he squeezes her. His bright blue and navy eyes practically glare their way into her soul as he growls again and yells, "Well? Are you gonna answer? Where is Ladybug?" He shakes her as she whimpers.

"I'll never tell! And even if I could, I still wouldn't!" She exclaims, before being squeezed again. "Chat stop it! Stop hurting her!" I yell and his eyes never leave her as he squeezes harder and harder and yells, "Why? What's so important about this stupid bug?" He exclaims before I pull myself up, push him to the ground, grab Tikki and transform before swinging as far away as I can. I make it to Master Fu's place before I collapse on his front door. The world going black as I cough up blood and multiple people call my name.

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