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A/N: Hey guys, I is a tired mess, but here's the next chapter, have a great day everyone, I'm gonna go to school now >~<
==Marinette's POV==
"Master what should we do? She is too weak to hold the Ladybug miraculous, and there is no one else in the city that could wield it as well as she does!" I hear the soft and calming voice of Waaz, however now his voice is thick with fear and worry. "Quiet Waaz, she's waking up. Hello Marinette." Master Fu says, his nervous look quickly being replaced by a calm and relieved smile.

"Hi." I croak out before coughing up blood. "Marinette you should lie back down, Chat Blanc can wai-" "Chat!" I yell and stand up, only to immediately fall over. "Agh!" "Marinette are you alright?" Tikki asks, flying over to me. "I'm fine, just need to get to Chat." I begin to crawl. My body aches from lack of use. We haven't had an akuma in a bit. Was Hawkmoth planning this all along? "Besides, there may be more. You remember the akuma that fallowed Adrian, he could be akumatized too, maybe even kidnapped and being held for ransom." I say, latching onto the doorway and using it to pull myself further.

"Marinette you will not move one more step- er pull, whatever you are doing, you will not do it again! You are sick, and if you show up to a fight sick, then something bad will happen and you know it!" Tikki yells, her eyes squinting and nuns crossed. "Chat Blanc is akumatized and has Plagg hostage, I want to be out there too, but I can't because I'd you transform one more time, you may never transform again. Her hardened expression softens as her voice cracks and tears well up in her eyes.

"Oh Tikki, come here." I sit up and hold out my arms so that she can fly into them. When I hold her safely in my arms, Master Fu speaks up. "Marinette she has a point. If you transform to save your friend, you might die in the process. It would give Hawkmoth what he wants, and it would leave Chat Noir in his service forever as Chat Blanc." He says, his voice grave and serious. "I can do it Master Fu. If I don't then he'd get what he wants anyway. Nobody else knows Chat like I do. Nobody."

"Well then, you will need some help," he says with a chuckle, shuffling over to the miraculous box and opening it, "You may choose any miraculous to aid you in this unforgiving battle. Including an old friend." He gives a chuckle as I gasp. "Tikki! Hawkmoth doesn't have Plagg!" I exclaim as I see the ring of the cat miraculous. "I was around Chat when he got akumatized, he was smart enough to give me his ring after recognizing me. He put up quite the fight trying to not fall into Hawkmoth's grasp."

"Oh Plagg, can I Master?" I ask, looking up to him with pleading eyes. He nods with a sad smile. I gently place the ring on my finger. Now that I think about it, I didn't see Chat wearing the ring when he visited me while akumatized, how could I have missed such an important detail? (Heh, forgot to add that last chapter ;-;) A small green light flashes as Plagg comes out "Ad-" he begins to yell out, tears filling his bright eyes, before bubbles come out of his mouth and he chokes on them. "Hey, hey it's okay." I say, gently grabbing him and scratching behind his ears when he gets finished.

"Where is he? What did Hawkmoth do?" Plagg asks, venom lacing his voice. I do not even have enough time to answer him before a red streak flashes and tackles Plagg to the ground. "Don't you dare ever scare me like that again Plagg! I thought Hawkmoth had you!" Tikki yells, her voice choked on the sobs that shudder throughout her tiny body. "Hey SugarCube, I missed you too. Could you let go, you're going to break me in half." He asks, his voice small and tired.

Tikki only squeezes him closer, and he gives a sigh of defeat before holding her loser. I look away, giving them their momentary privacy. "I see you are familiar with Plagg then?" Master Fu asks, an eyebrow raised and a look of amusement plastered across his face. I shrug with a weak smile. "I leave snacks in my backpack." I croak out. He nods and turns his head to look at a small kettle whistling with steam.

"Here, drink some tea, it should help with your throat." He says, pouring me a cup and handing it to me. I gently hold it in my hand, frowning when I see my reflection. Did I have this much blood on my lips when Chat came to see me? Was my nose this red and my eyes this puffy from crying? What if I can't save him? What would I do without him? Who would I be without my Kitty? Without my knight in shinning leather?

I sigh and drink my tea. Beating myself up will do nothing to help Chat. "Rest up guys." I say, turning to look at Plagg and Tikki.

"We have a knight to save, and a battle to survive."

A/N: WOAH I WROTE THIS FAST, I'm not entirely proud of how short it is, but TRUST ME, the battle is gonna be much much MUCH longer, probably gonna have two parts! Have a great weekend everyone, see you all soon!

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