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Amongst the trees were figures wearing beige cloaks with green stripes, and one wearing a black cloak with red clouds. Hair and cloaks blowing in the breeze.

"We are going in the wrong direction. Are we not completing the mission?" A voice questioned.

"No, Sai." Kakashi explained, "We're going back to Konoha to report Sasuke's presence."

With a loud thud, the ninja had landed on solid ground. Sasuke lifted his head to see gigantic wooden gates with a red character on each door. A feeling of nostalgia.

"Hn. I haven't seen these gates in along time." He grunted. Memories came flooding back to him. Those peaceful times he spent with his comrades... However, the raven was reminded of what had happened behind the scenes - how those in power had made his brother suffer in the shadows. Sasuke glared at the gates, not sure if he wanted to enter them anymore.

Those behind him walked toward the gate as it slowly creaked open. They entered and he trailed behind.

"Sasuke, we'll be taking you to the Hokage's office." Kakashi told him.

The raven grunted in return as he stared at the oh-so-familiar building.




Mountains of paperwork.

A blonde haired woman with incredibly large breasts groaned as she stared at the mess on her desk. She lazily stood from her chair to look through the window, her sandy blonde hair tied loosely in pigtails.

Suddenly, a loud knock was on the door.

The woman sighed, "Come in."

Many familiar faces entered her office, and one being whom she hadn't seen in a long time. Her chocolate brown orbs widened, "What's going on here?!"

"Tsunade-sama, we encountered Sasuke-kun in our mission, and he's requested a visit in the village." Sakura announced, bowing politely.

Tsunade knitted her eyebrows and glanced at Sasuke. "Is this correct?"

"Yes." He replied.

"I see." The woman sat back down in her chair, slouching back. "And why would you come to visit after all your efforts to run away?"

"As you probably know, I have killed Orohimaru. I have also successfully got rid of my brother." Sasuke explained, as bluntly as possible. He wasn't in the mood for a 'story time session' with the Hokage.

Tsunade sank deeper into her chair. She stared intently at the wall behind Sasuke, carefully planning out their conversation. "So does that mean you're returning?" She finally inquired.

"No." The Uchiha clenched his fists. "I have... discovered the truth. Some misunderstandings occurred but now I do not wish to live in such a place."

"So why are you here?"

He thought for a while. What exactly was he doing here? He had formed Hebi to kill Itachi. Now knowing the truth, the team renamed Taka, was to capture the Hachibi jinchuriki for the Akatsuki - because he wanted help from Madara to murder Danzo. Was that disgusting old man right here in the village? Perhaps he could kill him while he was here...?

Not wanting to reveal his true intentions, the raven boldly stated, "To find out my new goal."

Tsunade clasped her hands, red nailed fingers lacing together. "Is that so? Why have you joined the Akatsuki?"

"I haven't joined them, I'm just doing them a favour."

"Sasuke-kun, what kind of favours?!"

Sasuke sighed, slightly annoyed. "I'm afraid I'm not permitted to tell you."

"Not permitted to tell me, huh...?" She murmured with an unimpressed expression. She bit her pink glossed lips with a small (yet somewhat sinister) grin - something she would always do right before exploding.

"THIS DOESN'T TELL ME ANYTHING! HOW CAN WE TRUST YOU?!" The ash blonde lashed out, slamming her hands on her desk. Her burning glare directly at Sasuke, who - in her eyes - was nothing but a traitor.


A voice alerted the Hokage, and she looked up and saw that it belonged to Naruto.

"Please, call me Baa-chan..." she interrupted, her voice shakey. The Naruto they all knew and loved was never one to be polite. The formalness that her grandchild-like figure was giving her made her deeply upset.

Naruto frowned with worry and slight discomfort but continued. "It's alright. I can keep watch over Sasuke. During his visit, he can stay with me."

Tsunade sighed, "Even without your memories, you're still so persistent in keeping Sasuke-kun by your side." She gazed at him and continued. "Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun is a rogue ninja. We have no idea what he has done! That alone is a serious crime."

Disappointment was written all over Naruto's face.

"Hokage-sama, let Naruto look after Sasuke." Kakashi interrupted. He stared at Tsunade, notifying that he knew what he was doing.

A Hokage was not one to give in. Nor, one to be ordered by their subjects. But alas, Kakashi did have a point. So Tsunade - the compromising women that she was - gave in. "Very well then." She declared in a doubtful tone.

Sai - whom everyone had forgotten was with them - cut in out of nowhere. "And why is that, Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade quirked an eyebrow at the nosey foundation brat but decided to simply brush him off. "That's for me to know. Now off you go. Shoo!" She waved her hand in a hurry, motioning all of the young ninja to leave.

Everyone huddled to the doorway except for Kakashi. When the rest left, Sakura, being last to walk out of the exit, asked, "You coming, Kakashi-sensei?"

"No, no. Run along now, Sakura." He replied, rubbing his gloved hand behind his neck.

"Oh, alright then."

As she left the building, Tsunade broke the silence. "Now then," she stood from her chair, heels clanking as she made her way across the room. "We need to discuss a few things, Kakashi."

Broken and Forgotten [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now