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Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Sasuke were outside of the Hokage's building, waiting for their sensei who was still inside.

Naruto lifted his head and stared at the orange skies, "It's getting dark." He stated.

"What do you think Kakashi-sensei is talking to the Hokage about?" Sai asked.

"Maybe arranging Sasuke's visit." The blonde shrugged.

"Sasuke-kun, could I speak with you for a moment?" Sakura asked the raven haired man standing in front of her, speaking for the first time.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

She snatched his arm, pulling him with ease. "I'll tell you later." She answered, dragging; what appeared to be his full body weight; away.

"How the hell is Sakura-san so strong? She doesn't look muscular at all!" Naruto questioned, watching in awe.

Sweating bullets from his fear of the monster strength, Sai sighed, "Who knows..."


Sakura had taken Sasuke to a quiet place near their old academy. In fact, he could see that swing Naruto always sat on when he was a child. It was too much nostalgia even coming back to the village. He felt if he stayed for too long he could never leave again. And yet, dark thoughts still seemed to cloud his mind. Perhaps, he could shorten the visit after all.

Diminishing those thoughts he began to start conversation with the girl beside him.

"What do you want, Sakura?" He asked, clearly irritated.

"I just... wanted to let you know what's been going on." She replied softly. Sakura observed him to see if he was listening and continued. "Well, ever since you left, our team has tried our best to get stronger in order to get you back; especially Naruto."

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows at the mention of the blonde's name.

"We're all chuunin now. And I'm still in love with you, you know." The pnkette caught a glimpse of a bored looking Sasuke, "And before you go away because I'm talking nonsense you clearly don't give a damn about; it's still about your beloved Naruto." She declared, pulling him closer.

The raven huffed like a stubborn pony.

"When you fled the village I was so upset. I was a crying mess. Naruto took notice to it and promised to return you to me... all because I was too weak and selfish!" She clenched her gloved fists, "I'm far too dependent on others. I still think I rely on him too much to this very day. I knew he wanted you to return to the village not only because of me but because you were best friends. Like brothers.

"But I soon began to realise how much he cared for you. How important you were to him. So precious, that he overworked his body almost all the time... he'd been so desperate." Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"And... a part of me thought that there was another reason he tried so hard. Yet again, he is Naruto!" Sakura chuckled dryly, "What I'm trying to say to you is..." she suddenly lifted her head up, determination in her teary eyes, "Sasuke-kun, if you truly care for him, go to him! Help him remember you..."

Sakura suddenly became pale from witnessing Sasuke's stunned expression and quickly averted his gaze, "Sorry I though that I should let you know." She muttered. Just as she was walking away; wiping her tears with her wrists, she heard a voice.


The cheery blossom haired girl turned around in confusion.

"Thanks." Sasuke said.

Broken and Forgotten [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें