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A cloaked man with an orange mask. It was none other than Uchiha Madara.

"It's been a while, Sasuke." His deep, mysterious voice greeted. He spoke in quite a creepy tone, that it would send shivers up your spine if he were talking to you. Although, to a fellow Uchiha it seemed to have no effect.

"And what exactly is this?" Sasuke asked cutting straight to the point. He was surrounded by darkness with red blotches painting the area. There was no floor and no walls yet he was standing on solid ground. An infinite space.

"Ah, this; this is a special kind of genjutsu used between sharingan users. It is a telepathic link between two minds for each other's mental states to interact with one another. Even when one is on the other side of the world." Madara explained gesturing around the place, "In other words; a place where we can discuss things privately while you are travelling. I had done this quite a bit with your brother, Uchiha among Uchiha. This could also be done with holographic illusions from a member's ring for all Akatsuki members to have a gathering. Seeing as you are not an official member, I had to contact you this way instead."

The younger Uchiha grunted in return, "So then why have you brought me here?"

"I have come here to to tell you that there have been a change of plans," he started, sharingan iris shimmering from the hole in his mask, "To start with, you disobeyed orders and instead of going to capture the Hachibi, you go to Konoha despite me specifically telling you not to."

Sasuke's face was unmoved. His face appearing as if he didn't care at all. It was as if he were the rebellious child of an annoyed parent who was Madara.

Sighing, the orange masked man ran his fingers through his mattered raven hair and continued, "... but because you are here, as you have witnessed we have put the Kyuubi No Kitsune jinchuuriki in his weakest state. One of our members cast a jutsu on him so he would lose all of his memories and therefore be incapable of fighting. We wanted to weaken him without harming him you see."

"What if he still knows how to fight?" Sasuke quickly asked, speaking his mind. A little too quickly perhaps.

"It doesn't actually matter, really. Even if he did, Naruto would most likely be confused and not be entirely on to it if he were to get attacked. This was a mere experiment. For fun per say."

A pang of sudden anger hit the raven. Similar to what he felt when Kakashi spoke of Itachi in a rude manner.

"For fun, you say?" He muttered, gritting his teeth.

"Sasuke, you really are easy to read, you know that? By far one of the most emotional Uchiha I have ever met." Madara stated, speaking in an amused tone.

Sasuke merely glared daggers at the man. Madara, however was not affected and soon his single sharingan eye was burning with rage.

"Clearly I have overestimated you. You are weak. Emotions make you weak. You leave the ones you care for when still caring for them, only to return to them, still caring. Do not get involved with the jinchuuriki, got that?"

The younger shook his head in denial. He refused to believe that was the case. He was living for his brother, and his brother only. Itachi was the only thing that mattered, and he cared for nothing else; no one else.

Not Naruto.

He told his fellow Uchiha how wrong he was, and that he had no intention of getting involved with Naruto in any way.

Broken and Forgotten [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant