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"Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Uh... yeah, I was taught where to go." A blonde boy chuckled nervously.

"... if you say so."

Down alleyways through the village two teenage boys went until they finally arrived at the door of a raggedy old apartment.

"You still live here, huh?" Sasuke stated, observing the building.

"So I've always lived here?" Naruto asked while cutely, he titled his head.

The other boy nodded in reply.

Naruto searched in the pockets of his orange pants and took out a pair of keys. Once unlocked, the door creaked open. Sasuke invited himself in, although Naruto didn't mind.

"I see this place has gotten cleaner."

"Heh. I must of gotten tidier over the years."

Inside, were the same mouldy walls plastered with ramen posters and uneven wooden planks for flooring. The change, however, was that fact that the floor was no longer covered in empty ramen cups and dirty articles of clothing. Sure the room was a little messy, but for Naruto this was spick and span. The two took of their cloaks and allowed them to rest them on a clothing rack. As he took off his cloak, Sasuke saw that a few things had been added. Some pot plants had been placed in corners like an indoor garden. The thing that stood out the most in this room was on the blonde boy's dresser. Neatly placed upon the small wooden dresser, was a framed picture of Team Seven in all it's glory. Sasuke stared at it, eyeing his twelve year old self and a younger Naruto.

Naruto leaned over his shoulder, "So we used to be old teammates, huh? You were a really cute kid!"

The Uchiha gritted his teeth in what he recognised to be embarrassment, "You're still such a baka!"

The whispered boy huffed, "Well you're not cute now. If you were my old teammate then you know a lot about me!"

Sasuke raised a raven eyebrow and waited for the blonde to continue.

"Tell me about my childhood!"

The raven sighed, "Well for a start, what do you already know?"

"Hmm. Well Sakura-san is my teammate, I'm still a genin 'cause of missing the Chuunin Exams, and I live alone because I have no parents or living family members." The boy listed while counting them on his fingers.

"Do you know about the-"

"The Kyuubi? Yeah. And the Akatsuki are after me because of it. I was told all of that." Naruto said as he sat down on his bed to take off his black sandals.

"Then you know everything you need to know."

Naruto pouted, "Then what about you? Why did you become rogue?"

Sasuke clicked his tongue, "You ask too many questions."


"So annoying. I'm too tired for this."

"Tired? Oh, right. If you're tired just go ahead and sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the floor tonight." Naruto pointed to the messily made bed as he untied his ninja headband.

"Don't treat me like I'm a woman who needs a gentleman. Go sleep in your own bed." Sasuke stated as he detached his sword from his clothing.

"Fine then." The blonde boy suddenly unzipped his orange and black jacket, revealing a grey fishnet shirt. He then tossed the jacket on top of his cloak on the clothing rack and declared, we can both use the bed."

Onyx eyes scanned the room. Now that he thought about it, Sasuke saw that there was no room to sleep on the floor anyway. He silently gave in and removed his sandals. He untied the giant purple knot; a symbol of his alliance with Orochimaru, that was previously holding loose navy robes together. Now all the raven was wearing was a pair of black pants and his grey zip up T-shirt. The Uchiha climbed into bed whilst avoiding eye contact with the boy beside him. They faced the opposite ways of each other with an awkward silence.

"Oyasumi nasai." Muttered Naruto.

Sasuke ignored him. Why had he come here again?


Sasuke glared at the sun shining through the window, lighting up the room. He had not had a very good sleep the previous night. Not because he was sleeping on a cheap, uncomfortable bed; hell, the ones at Orochimaru's hideouts were worse. It was because he couldn't stop thinking. About his goal. About the village. And about what Sakura had told him.

The raven moved his sleepy gaze to the boy beside him. Naruto had always looked so adorable and peaceful when sleeping. Because he got to see him sleep again, and the blonde had grown up a bit, Sasuke couldn't help but feel his heart beat. Just watching him had always made his mood better, but he couldn't get back into that habit.

The Uchiha got taken away from his thoughts when he heard a giggle, "Why were you watching me sleep?"

Sasuke felt his face grow hot. He hadn't blushed in years.

"I-I wasn't. Besides, how would you've known?"

"'cause I was pretending to be asleep to see what you were doing." Naruto smirked.

Sasuke mentally groaned to himself. The new Naruto was beginning to know the weird side of him already...

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and climbed out of bed.

"Sasuke, the other day I got told that I'm going on a day long mission with Sakura-san and Sai-kun, and our other sensei, Captain Yamato. I have to go so promise me you won't do anything stupid, got that? I don't exactly know what a rogue ninja is or what they do, but don't let yourself go around the village without a bodyguard. I'm putting my faith in you." The whiskered boy explained while zipping up his orange and black jacket.

"It's fine. I'll just do my own thing." The pale boy replied plainly.

"That's good then." The blonde said as he tied his long black Konoha headband around his forehead. He then rushed over to the doorway and slipped into his black ninja sandals.

"I gotta go now, bye!" He waved and slammed the door behind him.

With Naruto gone, Sasuke smirked to himself a little.

Fools. Konohagakure leaving him, a rogue ninja, unsupervised.

The raven suddenly felt his eyes ache and saw in his reflection of the window that his sharingan was activated. Willingly using his kekkai genkai, Sasuke found himself in a genjutsu with what appeared to be a member of the Akatsuki.

Broken and Forgotten [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant