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Storm Cloud Ravine. Killer Bee stepped out of the small tent as Taka watched intently from afar. He paced himself as he knew there were people waiting for him, gingerly placing his feet with each step.

"Are you the Hachibi jinchuuriki?" Sasuke finally spoke as himself and Bee were now only a meter apart.

"Hey, that's, 'are you Hachibi-sama, sir?' or, 'are you jinchuuriki-sama, sir?' to you, eh..." Killer Bee replied. His voice deep and raspy.

Ignoring him, Sasuke announced, "I'm here to capture you." He then focused on those behind him. "I'll take him down. Suigetsu, cover the right. Juugo, the left. Karin, you get my back."

The members of Team Taka each gave him a curt nod as they waited for what would be an intense battle to begin. The only sound being the loud whistling of the wind in the dry lands of Kumo.

"Hmm... let's see..." Bee grinned as Suigetsu charges at him, Zabuza's sword in hand. "I'm in da midst o'my rhymes, y'all bustin' in on my time, ... an' now I gotta spit my line, fools, ya fools!" The earthy ground crumbled and shook when large chunks of it were flying in the air and sticking out from the ground, as Suigetsu attempted to slice the Hachibi container with his blade. Just as this was happening, Sasuke quickly slid over nearby the clumps of earth.

"The Akatsuki told us not to completely wipe out the jinchuuriki, remember, Suigetsu?" Juugo reminded the carried away shark boy. He did not wish for Suigetsu to murder Bee like he would with any other of his opponents.

"Don't worry. I still feel his chakra loud and clear." Karin said, standing far behind Juugo. For now, these two weren't doing anything as they watched Suigetsu fight, as Sasuke was preparing to attack. "Sheesh, what a flashy diversion."

As the dust from the earth began to fade away, they could see that Killer Bee was blocking the Executioner's Blade with his hands. Both him and Suigetsu trembling as he grasped hold of the sharp underneath of the sword.

"Da only one that gets to dig is me, yo. So stand back an' stay back, or you'll get whack, ya fool." And with that, Bee spun the blade around so it was spinning in a circle, resulting in Suigetsu letting go of it and being pushed away with a grunt.

Juugo stared at his comrade's exhausted self attempting to get back on his feet. He had had it. He had to step in. "Step back, Suigetsu." He said in a very rare, stern tone.



"Wha-Whaddya mean we lost them?!" A voice screeched in a cabin located in the Land of Wind. Naruto was shocked to say the least. He did not understand what was going on - or really, how missions worked.

"You have to calm down, Naruto. This is normal in a mission, remember? I've said that the enemies have gone missing, meaning that they have escaped. The two are tracker ninja, and the tracker ninja on this mission aren't skilled enough to track them. They may have hidden their chakra for all we know. So we'll have to retreat with no reward, back to the village in the morning." Yamato explained with a sigh. Turns out, the mission they were assigned to turned into what was more of a C-rank mission, or even a B-rank. Sakura pointed out that something similar to this had happened on the original Team Seven's first ever mission, but Naruto, of course didn't really remember it.

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