Hurtful memories

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A/N- Art isn't mine also... Warning there will be some Drama, and Depression parts and you may skip them if you want (They will mostly be in the many Flashbacks or Black out our main character has and there will only be 4 Flashbacks) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Your POV  [still a guy]

"Hey what's the matter" Lance had asked me but I just hesitated, I don't know how to explain what's wrong.

Even if I wanted to but I didn't have the right words to put it in, I kept my gaze away from meeting his eyes. As much as they sooth me, I couldn't bare to see them from how much stress is on me.

I felt him place his soft hand on my shoulder making me face him and said, "It's okay you don't have to tell me if your not ready, that's all I want you to know".

"Ya know that's the most deepest talk I've actually heard you say to me" I teased him.

"No that's not true"

"Then tell me a time you've had that kind of talk with me"

"When we were in your brother's room"

"Fine I'll give you that" I pouted, then out of nowhere I felt him pick me up.

"H-hey let me go you quiznacking jerk!" I squeaked while blushing at the same time.

"The next time he picks me up then I'm swear I'm gonna..." I was interrupted by my thoughts by the tall dork (it's your Nickname for him you could recommend one below the comments if you want me to change it) who decided to put me down then tickle me.

"L-lance w-what the h-heck" I laughed in between my words, by now I was on the floor while he was hovering above me while tickling me (sorry if it sounds weird).

"Not until you say who's the handsomest Paladin in the universe" he said with a flirty grin.

"W-what" I asked while blushing.

"I said 'not till you say who's the strongest Paladin in the universe' " he said.

"Fine you are" I pouted.

He stopped when I said what he wanted me to say and pat me on my head, "That's right, even big ol' Blue know that" he said smirking.

"Blue?" I asked.

He was about to say when a bright F/C shined around me, my clothes weren't as tight as they were and I felt my H/C hair fall on my shoulder's.

"Finally your back to normal, and that means I'm gonna have to tighten the bandage a bit" he said the last part with a sigh.

Then out of nowhere we saw Keith run towards us and snatches the bandage away from Lance, he glared at Lance and Lance did the same.

"I got this in control Mullet" Lance said to Keith and Glared at him.

"And she's my sister so you better back off" Keith barked at him also glaring at him.

I was in the middle while the two of them continued to get into each others faces, I decided to grab the extra bandage and leave the room and hang out with the wolf Keith found.

Some minutes had passed and castle alarms had went off yet again, I ran as fast as I could to the Bridge.

I saw Lance and Keith keeping distant away from each other I decided to stand next to Shiro and Corran so they wouldn't think I was picking sides, which I wasn't.

It wasn't long before Lotor and Allura entered the Hangars, My mother and Romele stood out of sight so Lotor and Allura wouldn't see them.

Once they walk in no one pulls out their bayards, I saw that they were holding hands, and then a memory flashed back.

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