Attack on Earth

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A/N- The title almost reminded me of 'Attack on Titan'

Lance's POV

The Journey home took forever, we pretty much gotten stuck in space separated from the lions and the others all because of the storm. We all went mad, but Hunk was the only one who was sane. But we found the our Milky Way, and the Lions found us too luckily.

We were once again flying in space not knowing what else would happen but once we were flying a bit more Pidge had gotten a distress signal, we kept flying till we found constellations and in the Milky way. I was so excited to see my family and introduce them to the team also show Y/N around the planet, it was soon we realized that earth was swarmed by Galra. And this was the beginning.

Your POV

We landed on a planet called Saturn, stole a Galra Patrol Ship, and flew on the planet surface called earth. Everything looked dull and worn out than what Lance and the others explained, There was a small flower that was slightly shriveled up but had been well grown. Lightly touching the plant it felt soft and fragile, it began to shake as the ground rumbled underneath our feet. I sensed it before anyone else (due to being partially Galra), Galra troops swarmed us. Lance put a protective arm in front of me while he spawned his Bayard, I morphed my knife into a sword as I stood next to him. Just as we were about to attack the other humans attacked the Galra and we had gotten to their vehicle and drove to their base. The other Palidins talked for a while and Lance sat next to me, the oxygen on the planet was too much that I passed out and felt weak as the gravity on the planet felt heavy (your pretty much like this because you never gotten used to the oxygen level on earth). I felt someone embrace me as I layed my head on their shoulder, and their free hand entwined with my hand. My eyes felt heavy and I was unable to open my eyes and see the person, whenever they talked it sounded like a hum word by word, sentence by sentence.

After some minutes of them talking they sang a song, their voice sounded soft and gentle as they held me tightly to their chest but being very careful not to hurt me.

*I don't own the song*

Right after they finish the vehicle came to a stop, my strength came back while I was passed out but I felt dizzy. "Y/N it's time to wake up, were at the Garrison" the voice said softly, I used the strength I had and woke up to see Lance. The light in the place was bright like the Castle of Lions, he gave me a gentle smile when I looked at him. Just as I was about to take a step only to almost fall forward, Lance caught me and put his arm over my shoulder as I did the same to him. Once we walked out the vehicle Pidge was with what seemed like her family, Allura, Corran, and Romelle talked to others, Keith, my mother, and Shiro talked to who seemed like the leader, and Hunk stood around looking for someone. Lance pulled me around till we found people the almost looked like him. "LANCE" they all yelled as they embraced the kid, Veronica who was with us helped me stand while Lance hugged each and everyone of his family. I never seen him this happy before, I thought, I admire Lance because of how positive, confident, and funny he was.

Sometimes I wounder how it would feel like to be him, "Lance is that your Girlfriend" The older woman who seemed to be his mother asked. His face turned red as he waved his hands, "No no- Mom she's my friend," he answered. His mother came up to me and grabbed my hand and gave me a warm smile, "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I just get worried about my boy".

"Don't worry I understand, I'm Y/N a member of the Blade of Marmora" I replied as I bowed to her, she laughed a bit nervously. "Stand up, there's no need to do that" she replied sweetly. So human customs are different than Blade base I thought, Keith and Shiro Later called me over to give me my uniform. It almost look like all the others but mine was in Purple, I was assigned to my own dorm, so did the others. P/N made himself comfortable in the dorm, I let him use the spare pillow for a bed for him. While sharpening my Blade Knife there was a knock at the door, P/N went to camouflage, I opened the door to see Lance's mother. "Mrs.McClain what brings you at this time," I asked her, she and I have gotten pretty close and so has my mother. Keith and Lance have to deal with each other but I didn't mind being with the two, "Well I thought I'd invite you and your family for dinner with us tonight, if you don't have any plans".

True there wasn't anything I was going to do but I gotten suspicious of the figure behind her, I let a low growl as I pulled her in my room and faced my Blade towards the figure. "WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH WHAT THE HECK DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" Lance practically screamed as he came into the light. I felt dumbfounded and ashamed, lowering my Sword as it turned back into my knife, "My apologies Lance," I bowed again. I sensed them both feel uncomfortable with my action, I forgot about that I thought as I stood up. "Sorry for my strange action again" I apologized again.

"Don't worry I shouldn't have hid like that, besides I forgot you get like that" Lance replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. Mrs.McClain elbowed him in the side and he let out a little 'ouch' when she did, "So what do you say, are you in" Lance asked. "Of course I will" I replied, they both exited till Lance stopped right at the door frame. He turned back to me and smiled, in a split second he sprinted towards me and gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving. "See you then Y/N" Lance replied as he left, the door shut as he left and it was just me and P/N.

"Does that make you and the Paladin official" P/N asked me, I turned back to him and sat on the bed. "I... I don't know," I said as I felt my cheek where he had kissed me from. I smiled softly as I layed on the bed, "I guess we'll know when I get to the dinner".

I am so sorry for the late update, I am working on a children's book in my class and I forgot about the story not only that but I had gotten stumped on this. I thought I'd make this a special chapter for you all, Until Next time Lil Palidins 💙💚🖤❤💛

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