Caring for her

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A/N- I thought it'd be funny to write this. Enjoy!

Your POV

It was a normal like no other, my alarm went off like usual. I went to sit up to turn it off my body ached like as if I gotten out of a fight, I hissed in pain as I held onto my sides. Putting pressure on it. 'Why now out of all times' I thought to myself.

Slowly the pained died down a bit making it easier for me move, by now it was 6:03.

"Ugh why now" I groaned to myself, while still putting pressure on my aching side. It hurt even more just me slightly sitting up. I used the restroom and went to flush the toilet when I noticed...I WAS BLEEDING. "Quiznack! Not again!" I panicked.

First I washed my hands and ran into my room to grab my phone, immediately called my mother. This started when I was 11 and would start every month. No one has ever witnessed this so I kept it between my mother and Kolivan. "Y/N how are you is everything good" My mom asked, through the phone. Hearing her voice made me feel more at ease. "It happened again" I said, she was silent for a three seconds straight before responding. "Sweetie stay in your room, I'll get someone to help you" my mother said with worry in her tone.

Mother never had been this worried about me than ever, I sat in my room sitting on my bed with my knees towards my face while my arms wrapped around them. 'Please hurry'

Note: Female aliens (Altean, Galra, Arusians, etc" don't have periods but only humans do in this story so it's kinda strange for them (aliens). And since the reader is a half Galra, pain is ten times worse than a normal humans pain

Krolia's POV

There was no time to waste, I token Keith, Pidge, Lance, and Mrs.Holt to help assist my daughter. "This thing has been happening to her for about years now, it'd come back within each month," I told them, they had worried expressions. Mrs.Holt carried a aid kit with other medical supplies while the others carried some supplies for Mrs.Holt. "First she'd be in pain in the morning saying her body aches, I'd leave her in her room with a cold wet towel on her head but it didn't help much" I stated while walking through the halls with them. Lance's and Keith's expressions had fear and worried expressions. 

Once we gotten to her door it was dark as suspected, Y/N laid on her bed curled up into a ball crying softly. Lance lightly pushed passed us as he put the supplies on the floor. "Y/N we're here, don't worry" he said calming her down, and seemed to work for a while. Y/N was more calmer and she looked towards Lance with her teary eyes.

Lance's POV

It was hard see her in pain, it felt as if my heart was being torn up into pieces. Her eyes opened with a slight pain in them, like as if she were telling me that she needed help. "You said this happened six years ago" Colleen said (Pidge's mom). Krolia nodded while Keith stood next to her trying to comfort her to. Colleen hummed in response. 

Y/N grabbed my hand in hers, she tried to speak but couldn't form any. "Was there anything else that happened when she got pain" Colleen said flashing a light in her eyes, causing Y/N to blink. her pupils narrowed like a cats, only making Colleen hum again. Krolia pulled her away and talked to her in private, Pidge and Keith came running to Y/N's side as I did.

"How you holding up" Pidge asked, I sat near the edge of her bed so the two could spend some time with her. Y/N weakly smiled at the two. 

"Other.. than the pain I feel.. just exhausted" she said chuckling softly, we all looked at her sadly. It wasn't long till the two came back, they weren't sad but relieved. "We have good news and bad news" Colleen said with a hint of happiness. We all looked at each other then to the two of them. My eyes remained on Y/N the whole time, not even taking them off her. "The good news is this she's just on her um... *mumbles*" Colleen said the last part inaudible for us to hear. Keith gotten impatient. "On her what!" he growled, Pidge held him back. I mean I would've done the same thing too. Colleen cleared her throat. "She started her period which explains her body aching, and the bad news is that since she's half galra theses symptoms are more harsh than a regular humans" Colleen stated, we all sighed in relief other than Keith. He looked very confused. "Then why don't I have a period," Keith asked, Pidge and I were on the brink of laughing.

"I mean were both half galra so I would've gotten in too by now" Keith finished. Pidge and I fell off the bed laughing off our heads off, I held on to the bed while holding my stomach. Keith and Krolia looked at us confused while Colleen just looked at us a bit disappointed yet internally face palming herself. "Oh man, good one Keith" I said putting my hand on his shoulder, slightly patting it. "Only girls get periods Keith" Pidge told him. 

Then I thought of the brightest thing that came in mind for me to say. "I mean he acts like he has one" I snickered, only to earn smack on the back of my head by Pidge. 

It was then decided that I'd watched over Y/N for the whole week till it went away. Sure it wasn't that going to be easy but I know how to deal with this. Firstly I made her my moms special soup, Pidge showed bought her the feminine products she'd need when it started and how to use them. Often she'd start walking awkwardly, we made her walk back and forth to get comfortable which took about an hour. Second I escorted her from the whole day, I carried a bag that held all the stuff Pidge bought in her black and F/C string bag, luckily for me she didn't really explode at me. 

She gotten a bit impatient when we were waiting to get our meals, but who could blame her. After eating we'd went to training, she spared with me. What I noticed was that she was using her anger from the cafeteria on me, I was beaten making her victorious. 

We made a bet on ourselves if one of us won the other would have to eat Corran's meal he prepared for us during training, I was a bit sick but she'd given me a glass of water. 

"That was fun, I wish this could last long" Y/N said laying in her bed, I knelt to her height and gave her a kiss on the cheek then her forehead. She slightly giggled. Her gorgeous E/C eyes sparkled, and her smile was as bright as ever. Probably even brighter than the sun itself. "Get some sleep, for now" I said softly smiling at her after standing up to leave but her hand caught mine. "Please stay" she asked me, I froze for a split second then smiled at her. 

"Alright but only for today" I said crawling on the bed with her. I got under the covers and held her close to me. My heart felt as if it would burst being this close to her, "Buenas noches mi caballero azul~" she said tiredly before melting in to my embrace. I chuckle softly. "Good night babe~" 


Buenas noches mi caballero azul- Goodnight my blue knight

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