💙My Palidin❤

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A/N- Not my art or music, I really like the picture cuz it relates to me😆

Enjoy the story

Your POV

It's been strange since my feelings for Lance have grown ever since I kissed him on his cheek, that we both were unable to look at each other. I suppose he wasn't expecting it since from what Pidge says is that Lance can be a 'flirt', but I don't think he flirts any worse than the boy Blades do on base. And I slightly regret kissing him, Keith holds a grudge against him but when he leaves the room I've seen him smile slightly. Allura and Pidge squealed when I first told them, but holy blade they really love this ship called S/N (yours and Lance's Ship name). P/N is a very smart creature and somehow learned everything about the culture's on earth, Like 'Halloween' and 'Easter', their are some much more like those but for different occasions. Who knew earth had strange things, it almost felt as if we were in a story or book. "Ughhhhh" I groaned trying to look for my 'phone' that Lance given me. "Looking for this~" P/N was holding my bag, I grabbed my bag that had my money and phone inside. "I'm very grateful for your help but you do so much for me already" I said petting him as I rubbed his ears. He nuzzled my hand to continue but I had to meet up with the girls since it was something urgent. "I'll see you then," I said to P/N. I open my dorm and locked it so no one got in, P/N would be able to guard the dorm till I got back, he would teleport on the top shelf and jump on me. That's something new he's been doing.

I felt as if I was being followed so I turned around to only see no one, after I turned around I see Cosmo, Keith's space wolf. "Hey Cos, anything new around" I asked him, he sat on the floor then looked around. Then looked back at me, he hasn't said anything for a while now, by then he should be able to speak. Cosmo then gets up and starts running. "H-hey!" I yelled trying to catch up to him, he teleported away. Then out of no where *bam* I fell on top on someone, I open my eyes to see Lance's face and our noses touching.

"I-I-I-I'm s-sorry L-lance I was chasing cosmo a-and I-" I was cut off by him putting his finger on my mouth as he shushed me. He smiled warmly as he tilted his head slightly, my heart was beating fast as I looked into his deep ocean blue eyes.

"It's alright I don't blame you" he said as he cradled me into his arms, the same feeling came back. Being in his arms somehow comforted me, I melted into the embrace. Lance then stands up carrying me bridal style which made me squeal, my arms automatically wrapped around his neck. "L-lance put me down, N-now" I said playfully, we both laugh. He starts spinning me around softly as we both laugh, he tightens his grip. "Never, your mine~" Lance says happily with a hinge of playfulness in his tone. He stops spinning me then puts me down, "Hey Keith," He said looking at my now angered brother.

"What did I say about being with my sister," He said trying not to smile, I could tell he enjoyed see us together. He just didn't want to admit it. "Hey we were just playing around is all" Lance said rubbing the back of his neck, Keith then looks at me.

"And aren't you supposed to be meeting the other girls" Keith asked pointing at me, Cosmo then teleports next to me. I pet him before answering Keith's question. "I was chasing Cosmo till I ran into Lance by accident, we then got distracted" I said smiling back at Lance. His hand lightly brushed mine as I had the sudden urge to hold it, Keith sighed. "Alright then just go to the girls before they start the meeting," Keith said walking off.

"Alright I will" I said walking off, in the distant I heard. "AND STAY AWAY FROM BOY'S!!!" Keith yelled from his dorm, I laughed as I went to Allura's room. "Oh she's here girls" Veronica squealed while she pulled me in the room, the room was filled with dresses, makeup, and weir books called 'Total Girl' and others. "I thought this was urgent," I asked I looked at Pidge who had face cream on her face with her headphones, Allura doing her nails, Romelle brushing out Allura's hair, and Acxa sat there as she looked at me blankly. "Yes it is because you and Acxa need a makeover" Allura stated, I sighed as I sat down. I looked at Acxa, she felt the same way as I did. "Did they call you here too" I asked.

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