Our Mission Impossible

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Your POV

It suck so much now that we can't go out and defeat Honerva and her bots controlled by the Alteans, to add on to that, Lance gets overprotective of me. He won't even let me out of his sight. It's bad enough that were stuck in the Garrison until further notice, by now everyone was at the meeting talking while I was told to stay outside. "This is so annoying" I growled. A voice chuckled from behind me, I turned to see Axca with a slight smile plastered on her face. "They lock you out too?" I asked.

"In a way they did," Axca replied leaning against the wall, other than our mini rivalry we both managed to get a long. "The one of the Alteans spoke I don't remember what they said" she began, my eyes widen. The Alteans we captured didn't even say a word, they just sat and stared at us with eyes of daggers. "Your friend, Hunk is it? He had made them a desert, I even got a bite myself" Axca grinned.

"I see," I thought out loud while my hand cupped my chin. Hunk got lucky, he has a great way of connecting people which I admire him for. "You wanna try to free the humans?" Axca asked with a chuckle, I turned my head towards her.

Axca is one of the few people who I trust, but I felt unsure about disobeying Shiro and Keith's command. I nodded my head. "I don't think we should go against the others wishes" I compiled, Axca placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It's just to get us into some action instead of staying in here," she stated.

So it was decided, we'd leave by midnight before anyone noticed we're even missing. Axca packed a bag for the both of us while I talked to Veronica to lend us a car, she agreed not to tell anyone where we were going. But I had to promise to call for backup if anything goes wrong. Capa hid our stuff in Pidge's stuff, now what was left to do is wait till 10:00 o'clock. Everyone in the Garrison had to go to their dorms before 9:00 PM. Occasionally Lance would come by to ask if we could hang out but I'd decline, even if I did want to be with him. Axca came by my dorm to drop off my stuff, we both made our way to the car on our mission. Veronica stayed up and opened the gates for us to leave.

A adrenaline ran through my blood as we drove off the Garrison, we laughed joked and even did stunts with the car.
"Whoohoooo!" I howled excitedly, Axca put it on autopilot and opened the top of the car raising our hands up feeling the breeze rush through our hair.

"Hey do you see that?" Axca asked pointing at something off a distance. It looked like it was heading towards us do we slowed down the car and activated the camouflage. Two Galra cruisers flew past us not suspected we we're even there, they turned around going back to their same direction they came from.
"Let's follow them," I commanded, Axca pressed the gas pedal making our heads hit our head cushions. "I bet wherever their going must be at their base or even the prison," I stated, Axca kept here eyes on the monitor locking the Galra cruiser's position.
"I'll leave the vehicle on autopilot while we make a plan of attack," Axca told me while pressing some settings in the cars cockpit. I hacked into the Galra Cruiser's data with the skills Pidge provided for me and got a mini map of their destination. They were going into the mother load where Hanerva was located, we both would take the emergency escape route to enter the building, hack into the traps that were placed around the base, take out some guards, then finally finish Hanerva once and for all.

Lance's POV

I woke up with weird feeling, I felt so nervous yet scared. I looked at my alarm clock and it read-

>4:29 a.m.<

"At least I'm up earlier than usual," I thought to myself, my heart beated faster than usual and some weird boyfriend senses kept going off. I got dressed fast and headed to Y/N's room, I'd knock on her door. No answer. I knocked a bit harder, and still. No answer. I poked my head into her room and it was empty, "She might've stayed a night at Axca's dorm" I thought. I knocked on Axca's door. Also no answer.
"You got to be kidding me," I grumbled as I walked to my leaders dorm.

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