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A/N- S/C means skin color, P/N means pet name, and none of this art belongs to me

Lance's POV

So long story short Keith and Y/N is Shiro's sibling but from different mothers, were still in space and we had fought Lotor who later comes back to us in the ship that Allura and him built. Y/N wants to fight but lost most of her strength during that mission Keith went on to save them. I pilot the Red, and join the battle and were almost being beat by Lotor and his team. Lotor then boots out his team out of the two ships and makes his own Voltron, he uses the Quintessence field for his battle strategy as he hits us when he exits and enters it making it impossible for us to even get a hit on him. We all later enter the Quintessence field which made Voltron even stronger, but not only that but it affected how we thought. The feild was too dangerous that Allura commanded us to leave the feild immediately, we were almost acting like Zarkon. But Lotor was affected with the power in the end he got himself killed. Once we left the feild we were all made it back to the castle but soon gates to the Quintessence feild had opened everywhere in space. So the only way to close it was sacrificing the castle of Lions, we took what we all could on the lion's. Y/N, Corran, and Romelle rode with me while the others went to other ships. Since we found out that Shiro's spirit was in the Black lion and we needed a place to charge the lions we land, Allura brings Shiro back to live but he lives inside the fake Clone of him, Krolia and Keith stay back in the lions with Shiro's unconscious Body. While Others and I go search for a Yalmor to get the lions energy level back up. We later get sprayed by a creature Corran never Identified to us which we get shrunken, the Yalmor chases us and we all manage to get back to normal size. After sorting out who road with which lion we had arrived at the Blade of Marmora outpost. We later found out it was abandoned, we tried to investigate a bit more to only get attacked by a small Galra fleet, our lions were overpowered by the Galra so we went into hiding in a cyclone ice planet to use as a advancement to defeating them. But we were later captured by Lotor's Former generals, Ezor and Zethrid.

Which brings us to where we are now, Y/N and the rest of us gotten separated which worried me. "G-guy's where's Y/N" I asked with concern, Krolia and Keith were calm about the whole situation. "Don't worry she can handle herself, she's a Blade Member" Krolia stated.

Even though she was, the last remaining of the Blade's at the outpost were annihilated by Galra or whoever it was. I wasn't the only one worried about her, Allura was to. They gotten closer during the past months or days, they were like sisters. Allura was like the big sister while Y/N was the little sister, but Y/N was more mature and straightforward with things as for Allura was a bit more girly like any other girl would be (besides the Galra Empire/Blade Of Marmora).

"Tell us. WHERE IS LOTOR" Zethrid yelled at us again, we protested again and told him he was in the Quintessence field dead. "Alright if you won't tell us where he is, well just have to break you" Zethrid said with a evil grin and nodded towards Ezor who had clicked a button. And this was something we all weren't expecting, including me.

Your POV

I woke up in a room chained up and as I heard faint voices from the left side of the wall, I looked around to find myself alone in a dark room. "Keith, Lance, Mom, guys where are you" I said concerned hoping they were okay. I heard a faint yell that was a bit audible, 'Where is Lotor' was all I heard, the voice sounded like Zethrid. After a few seconds there was a speaker that I didn't see behind me and the chains released me causing me to fall, I hoped that Lance would catch me but I was met with the cold metallic floor.

Then a high frequency was being played on the speakers, it was hurting my ears, my S/C began to turn a light violet, my E/C eyes turned in a dark purple while the out side of my eye (technically your sclera) turned yellow, my Galra teeth appeared as I began to claw the room, tear up the bed sheets and pillow, and scream in pain. "ALRIGHT STOP IT YOUR HURTING HER," I heard Lance yell from the room which made me ignore the high frequency playing. I calmed down knowing he was right near me, I felt comfort just hearing his voice. "What the- why did she stop turn it up higher" Zethrid commanded. She did but it was more and more faint as I went back to my human form, "Y/N can you hear me, everything's going to be alright" he said softly, I continued to block out the frequency and listen to his voice. I placed my head on the wall thinking he was doing the same, and for a moment I thought I heard his heart beat. Seconds later there was a crash and noise coming from their room, "Lance are you okay, Speak to me" I said pounding against the wall.

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