Randy | High School Lover | Part One

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A/N: Hi, this one-shot (like Rye's you-know-what) is very long. It's basically a mini-book, 10,000ish words that I'm splitting into a two parter on here, bc I have no self control when it comes to word counts. Strap in for emotions!


Rye first met Andy when they were fourteen. 

Rye was what Andy's mum would call an 'early bloomer'. Rye was the guy that inspired Andy to google 'bisexuality' on his mum's computer, erasing the search history quickly after he'd gotten his answers. 

Rye was everything Andy was not; tall, dark features, rippling muscles. Andy was blond and blue-eyed and button-sized. Yet Andy was the guy that always made Rye dread going to football practise. He intimidated Rye with his loud mouth and know-it-all attitude, a bark much bigger than his bite. Even though he was tiny and nerdy, something about Andy always made Rye feel a little bit inadequate.

A couple years down the line, and Rye was dreading football practises with Andy for a whole different set of reasons. At some point, Rye had developed a staring problem when it came to Andy. Rye's sophisticated teenage friends had once eloquently posed him the question; 'tits or ass?', and Rye had been firmly on the side of ass. And nobody could wear a pair of shorts like Andy Fowler.

But it didn't go beyond a stare because Rye wasn't into guys like that- especially a scrawny little Mr Perfect like Andy. Rye didn't have a problem with gay people in general, it was just that being gay really didn't fit with his lifestyle.

Andy just had a nice ass.

Andy on the other hand, by age sixteen, had grown out of his boyish crush on Rye, having gained the wisdom that the world was bigger than the boys to whom puberty had been kind, and his fantasies of screaming Rye's name in bed were replaced by standing on a stage with thousands of fans screaming his name.

Still, he never minded what he saw in the showers after practise.

The boys grew up together, yet apart. They were two different species; Rye fucking everything under the sun the second he learned how to use his (massive) dick, and Andy choosing to focus more on his future than temporary pleasures, always studying, practising, writing, training.

It was a surprise to them both when they actually became friends, but the football parties were to blame for that. Rye's best friend and captain of the team, Mikey, started throwing semi-regular ragers and for nerds and athletes alike, and they were legendary. It was Mikey who convinced Rye to give Andy a chance, telling him "he's actually a cool guy" and after a few rounds of beer pong Rye was actually convinced.

"You're going down tonight, Fowler."

"You couldn't aim your balls last time, Beaumont. I don't see why tonight would be any different."

Rye had to admit he enjoyed the banter.

Banter. Not flirting.

The parties broke the ice, but they were also just the start. After a few chats, Andy discovered Rye had an interest in music as well, and he became a great sounding board for Andy's new songs. Also, despite never having studied anything remotely musical in his life, Rye seemed to be naturally gifted at singing, belting out impressive notes with an effortlessness that made Andy a little jealous. He even picked up the guitar every now and then. It was like they both shared this little part of their lives together that they didn't share with anyone else.

Whenever Rye came to meet Mikey after school after ditching the last three periods of the day to hang out in one of the music practise rooms with Andy, Mikey would waggle his eyebrows suggestively and ask, "did you have fun with your boyfriend?" and Rye would threaten to punch him.

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