Beauty | Moonlight Gentleman (Joseph) x Reader

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WARNING: Abuse, strong swearing, self harm, mention of rape, sexual stuff
Type: Angst to Fluff

Note: Your mom is about 33 years old, she had you when she was 16. (Teenage pregnancy is not supported in any topic. Also please don't have sex at your teenage years. You'll regret your life later.).
P.S. This story is heavily influenced by Cinderella.

Today was another day of your mother's aggressive beating on you. She comes home drunk, demands food and water, but one failed mistake would result in a glass bottle to the head. You had endured this for months now. Ever since your father died, your mom drowns herself in alcohol to forget her grieving and mountains of debts. Your family grew poor after he died and began to live under severe financial problems. Another thing that doesn't help is the fact that she's constantly taking her stress out on you. "You useless bitch!" She howlers as she slaps you on the side of your face. "Where's my fucking food? I thought I told you to make it 5 minutes ago!" You ignore the burning pain on your left cheek before going to the kitchen to cook a quick meal. It wasn't fair. Thanks to her constant beating and verbal insults, your well being is close to rotting since you were always an anxious person, let alone a pushover. You hear her grunt and swallow more of the bottle of liquor as you cook eggs and pork. Suddenly an idea popped up, what if you take the pan and serve the food on the plate to get her off guard, then smack the extremely hot pan on her head?

Committing murder as a peasant is already a gateway to death. You really wanted to get rid of this woman, but you're afraid for many reasons. Where would you put the body? Where would you live after killing her? What if someone saw you pulling the dead body? So many questions will never be answered and stay as that. You say, "Here you go." As you place down the freshly made food, she chugs it down like a hog. You were disgusted. You walk away to your room before she said, "This is way worse than the other peasant's! I thought I taught you better than this!" She shattered her empty glass wine bottle and hits your head with it. You gasp in pain as the tiny shards of the glass pierce into your head. Blood started dripping to the floor and she repeatedly hits you on the head before you fall and cover it with your arms from any further damage. "DIE ALREADY YOU PIECE OF--"

Then, there was a knock at the door. Your mom froze with her arm stopped in the air. You were too busy holding in the pain to hear it until she kicks you right in the stomach with her sharp heel. "Go to your room now.. before I'll kill you right here." She threatens you before releasing her heel from your stomach. You cough in pain, dashing into your room as fast as you possibly can with blood covering your vision. You went to the restroom instead, washing off the blood from your head and arms and to remove any possible pieces of the glass shards. You take out the aid kit from behind the mirror and bandage around the new open wounds. Then you wash your face again and look up at the mirror.

The person looking back at you must be a stranger. It has to be. Her hair is a mess, there was bandages wrapped all over her head, bruised areas around the neck and cheeks areas, and scars on her face. You no longer recognize yourself. You used to have flawless skin, natural beauty that's good enough to be identified as a normal living human being. You think to yourself many times that you should commit suicide amd burn all of this place down, yet something is stopping you to do so.


If you weren't such a coward, scared to hold your innocence, you would've terminated that woman long ago. You quietly exit the restroom and go into your room. You lay down on your bed, praying for a miracle to get you out of this hell.

On the other hand, your mother begrudgingly cleaned up the blood on the floor and swipe the glass shards away to get rid of any evidence that could damage her profile. Another knock came at the door as she fixes her appearance with more makeup and open the door. It is an elderly man with a butler suit with a white horses in the back that holds the carriage. He straighten up his back and clears his throat. "Are you Mrs. (L/N)?" Your mom mentally freaks out since she knows what exactly is happening. "Yes."

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