Heat | Parasite (Naib) x Reader

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Warning: Slight smut (Maybe a lot) ;)

Type: Angst to Fluff

You recall the day you met him.

In the manor at the dining table, his green hood and dark expression stood out from everyone else. You were never the type to speak first, let alone being talkative. But no matter where you go, he's always nearby whether it's the library, garden, or even near the restroom. Your instinct was screaming at you to confront him about it, so you decided to wait at the appropriate time to do so. It went on for a few days. Gathering your courage, you stood in front of the mercenary. "Are you following me?" That seems to get him off guard before nodding. You furiously blush from his straightforward answer. You weren't prepared for that since you expected him to decline and make an excuse. He immediately leaned down to kiss your forehead and left with a small blush, leaving your face in a red mess. 

No matter where or when in each day, his small display of affection towards you were always unexpected and untimely. Until one day, you both went against Yidhra and her followers. He was the one who had her attention the entire round, continuously being leech, and hit by pickaxes. Patricia and Norton had to help him since he was about to get eliminated if he gets placed on the rocket chair. You did almost all of the decoding, opening both gates, and waited at the gate for them. You rub your arms to calm yourself down since you didn't want to think about anyone dying. 

"(Y/N)! Get out of here!" You look up to see Norton carrying Naib's unconscious body with Patricia using her guard to ward off the Dream Witch's follower. Everyone managed to escape but Naib was the only one severely damage while everyone else has few cuts. Everyone ran to the manor and Norton place Naib on the couch while you and Patricia went to find Emily. You say, "I'm worried for him.." She crosses her arms and lets out a little huff. "He should be fine. He's a mercenary after all. They were bound to endure serious cases in case stuff like this happens." 

"But still.."

"I know. For now, the best we can do is to find the doctor." You nod in agreement. You both found Emily and brought her to the sleeping man. She tells Norton to bring him to her office and you to follow her. He place Naib on the patient's chair and left to do his own business. She asks you, "Can you remove his shirt for me?" You blush and hesitates. You take off his jacket, bandages on his muscular arms, and eventually the black shirt that exposes his toned chest. "Yeah, yeah. He has a nice body and all, but please don't get a nosebleed." You stare at her with wide eyes and red face. "Emily!" She chuckles. "Just teasing." She patches up his wounds, dabs some rubbing alcohol before bandaging the rest. 

"All done! Now he just needs to rest. I trust you to watch over him?" You give her a weary smile. "Sure." She packs up her medical kit and store it in one of the cabinets. You carry Naib to his room and onto his bed. Man, despite being only a few inches taller than you, he was much heavier than you expected. You stare at his face. He seems to be at peace compared to all the times you seen him awake with a glare. You give him a kiss on the forehead, just like he did when you confronted him that one time. You whisper, "Get well soon, Naib." And left his room.

But what you didn't notice is his hand twitching.


It took about 2 months for him to wake up. Everyone left the manor to obtain their dreams and goals, but you were patient and stayed behind for him. His behavior was different and it was clearly noticeable. He didn't pay attention to you once since his awakening and left the manor with everyone else without a word. Your fragile heart cracked. Since you were the only survivor in the manor, you bid the hunters goodbye despite their gruesome moments. Some pets your head, other hugs and high fives. But shortly after you left, you broke down in tears. You did earn the money the manor promised but now it's not a big deal anymore. You didn't have a place to live in since your house was burned down and your family were in other far states. You wander aimlessly with your bag, encountering a forest that screams out, "Enter here for insanity or death." You didn't care. All you needed was something to cover you when you sleep and something to eat. 

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