Cute | Judge (Eli) x Reader

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Warning: Gore ⚠️

Disclaimer: I hate Lawyer. No need for explanation since we all know what he did to Leo.

Note: In this type of AU, Eli created a contract with Hastur instead of his owl. His eyes turned from blue to red. He gains the ability to summon tentacles without the presence of the hunter and use it to protect himself from anything that harms him.
P.S. You are an assassin in this story.

Type: Fluff

Credits to:

You were ordered to eliminate the mysterious seer for a huge amount of money. Many other assassins or hitmen that went after him didn't survive long enough to return with his head. You grumble, "This is a bad idea.. 0% of surviving is something everyone should be concerned about." You look down at your given paper. It is a poorly drawn drawing of the seer inside the church in front of you. You grimace before entering the building. You see a tall man praying in front of a statue. His clothes are red and black outlined by yellow. You assumed it's him since he's the only one in the place. You quietly stalk up to him with your dagger.

Just when you are about to stab him, a tentacle immediately appears out of nowhere and violently flings you to a wall. You cough up saliva and tiny droplets of blood. You groan as your back ache in severe pain.

"What was that!?"

The man finally turns his head at you. More tentacles were summoned around him. Your eyes widen in surprise. He takes off his mask to reveal his glowing red eyes. You groan and lay your head on the broken wall. You mumble, "That's not fair.." He walks up to your lying figure. Then he smiles and says, "How pitiful. Did you really think you could eliminate me?" You glare at him and growl. "I was hoping to! Until those damn tentacles appeared out of nowhere." His eyes widen and laughs in amusement. Ignoring the mysterious man, you tried to stand up but the tentacle did a hard blow to your stomach and a forceful pressure against the wall hurts your back to no end. You ended up collapsing on the ground and faint from the immense pain.

Eli crouched down to get a closer look to your face. He makes a poker face before making a sinister smile. He pets the tentacle and ask it out loud, "Do you think I should kill her or keep her?" It wraps itself around his body. He hums before declaring himself that it would be wasteful to end your life so soon, especially when you have a pretty face and a feisty attitude. No one has ever speak to him like that before. They all usually cry or scream for mercy.

He picks up your body and carry you to his house. Then, he removes your clothes to wrap the wounds in bandages. When he did, he took the time to admire your delicate body. In his view, you're like a walking prize to men. He puts your clothes back on and leaves to make rice porridge when you are awake. He giggles as he spikes it.


You open your heavy eyelids. Your eyes slowly adjust to your fixed vision before scanning the room. You ask yourself, "Where am I?" The door opens to reveal the seer carrying a tray that contains a bowl of porridge and bread. "In my house." You immediately sat up but wince in pain. "You shouldn't have done that." You bark at him, "You have no rights to speak for my well being." He smirks before giving you the items. You look at him in confusion and suspicion. He took note of it but remained calm and smile. "I'm only trying to nurse you back to health as an apology." You glare at him. "Apology my ass." You stare at him before asking, "Why didn't you kill me there?" He plays with his summoned tentacles and say, "Why would I? It would be a shame to get my hands dirty on such a pretty girl. Especially when she comes to kill me~" You make a "WTF is wrong with you?" face while feeling flush.

[IdentityV] Oneshots x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant