Chapter 5/6

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Nicholas and Zoey were sitting in his room, trying to brainstorm ideas to expose Tiffany.

"Useless. Empty. Brain." Nicholas said to himself, banging his head against the wall.

"Don't beat yourself up about it." Zoey said.

"But how are we going to expose her?" Nicholas asked, flopping back on his bed.

"I dunno, search google." Zoey said, joking. Nicholas got his phone out and opened safari. "I was joking." Zoey said.

"But I got an answer." Nicholas said. She peeked over his shoulder. They read it together:

Collect the 5 stones from the guardians.

Magma: guardian of fire

Magma: guardian of fire

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SILVERMIST: Guardian of Water

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TUMBLELEAF: Guardian of Nature

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GALEBREEZE: Guardian of Air

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SPIKESCALE: Guardian of Death

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And you can accomplish anything.

"Does it say where they are located?" Zoey asked.

"Location: unknown." Nicholas read off the screen.

"That's great." She said sarcastically, "do we just wait until the guardians MAGICALLY APPEAR and HAND US the STONES?"

"Not necessarily," He said, "we just need to convince my parents that she is more dangerous than she appears."

"But how?" Zoey asked, "they won't believe anything we say."

"We need to make it reasonable." Nicholas thought out loud

"I think it's a little late for that." Zoey said, she had opened the bedroom door and was looking up. Nicholas walked over to her and looked at the ceiling. Tiffany was crawling on the ceiling without anybody watching her.

"We'll just wait for her to show her Werewolf side." Nicholas said,

"Alright then.." Zoey said, "let the wait begin."


One hundred and twelve years later, Tiffany was one of the most popular people at the hotel. Everything someone saw her they would say hi, give her a high five or fist bump. Not Nicholas. she kinda stole his spotlight. He and Zoey were closely observing her for the past 112 years, and found nothing.

"Maybe that stick WAS just a prank." Zoey said.

"You think someone stabbing me was just a prank?" Nicholas demand.

"No! Not that.." Zoey said, "the message." They were sitting in the lobby, and Tiffany skipped past them with a backpack on. It's the first day of middle school . Nicholas thought to himself. When she reached the door she yelled really loudly,

"MOM! DAD! IM LEAVING FOR SCHOOL!!!" They heard Ericka's voice coming from upstairs,

"Ok sweetie, have a good day!" And Tiffany left.

"Good riddance." Nicholas sneered.

"Stop acting like a child.." Zoey said, "your 227."

"Don't remind me." Nicholas groaned...

The Werewolf's Curse (fan fiction) (second book in Epilogue series)Where stories live. Discover now