Chapter 12

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"What's one of the windiest places on earth?" Nicholas asked the group.

"Cape Blanco, Oregon." Zoey said intensely. They all looked at her. "What? I learned it in geography."

"What are we waiting for?" Nicholas said, standing up.

"But it's about to be daylight, we can't be out." Drac pointed out.

"I've heard rumors of a rock that can protect a vampire from the sun." Zoey said, standing up.

"What's it called?" Ericka asked, looking up from studying the engravings on her arms.

"Um...I think it was called Bruxite, like the rock Tumbleleaf wanted ." Zoey said thoughtfully.

"Then let's get looking!" Nicholas exclaimed, running off. They all ran off in different directions, looking for the rock. At dawn, they all met back at the rest area.

"Nothing." Nicholas said tiredly.

"Same." The rest of them sighed.

"But I did see a cave of some sort." Ericka said softly.

"Where?" They all asked.

"Follow me." She responded, they all sprinted behind her. They came to a narrow cave entrance. They went one by one, squeezing into the entrance. The cave was pitch black, luckily they could see in the dark. The Water stone and Nature stone started to flash in unison. "This AGAIN!?" She complained. Then something tugged the pendant holding the water stone. "Who did that?" She asked.

"I didn't," Drac said, his voice echoing off the walls. The invisible force tugged harder, until it started to drag her feet. It started to pull on the Nature stone too. it got strong, she looked like she was skating across the stone ground. "HELP ME!!" She screamed. She held her hand out and Drac grabbed it. It stopped her for a split second, then he started to move. Nicholas grabbed his hand, and Zoey grabbed his.

"I-I'm slipping!" Drac cried. His grip wasn't enough, the stone dragged her across the smooth ground like it was ice. It dragged her out of sight!

"WAIT!" Drac yelled, running after her. They chased her, but the invisible force was strong. Then they reached the end of the cave.

"Stop...stop STOP!!" She yelled at the stone. It rammed her into the wall, "Wall." She groaned, flopping to the floor. Drac helped her to her feet.

"Wait...What's that in the wall?" Zoey asked, tapping a clear stone in the wall.

"Is it Bruxite?" Nicholas asked, prying out one of the stones from the wall. A dark blue energy swarmed in the center of the stone. They all got one out of the wall.

"Lets go test them." Ericka said enthusiastically.

"I'm not standing in the sun." Drac sand blandly.

"I will." Zoey blurted. They all looked at her.

"don't be surprised." She said, walking to the cave entrance. The sun was up now and there was little shade in front of the cave, but they made it work. "Here goes nothing." Zoey squeaked. She jumped into the sun. After she realized she wasn't burning to death, she let out a triumphant squeal, "IT'S BRUXITE!" They all stepped out into the light, they didn't burn.

"Awesome!" Nicholas exclaimed, "now..let's go see Galebreeze!"

The Werewolf's Curse (fan fiction) (second book in Epilogue series)Where stories live. Discover now