Chapter 10 part 2

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"Why!?" Ericka cried out.

"We WARNED you." Everest said.

"Wait, do I know you?" Nicholas asked, pushing past his parents.

"You'd vaguely remember me," Surge told him, "you were just a baby then."

"I met your parents before you were born," Everest explained, "me and your mother have some......history." Ericka huffed and crossed her arms.

"So you guys are the one who stabbed me." Nicholas said.

"That's right," Surge said, "and we'll be on our way now." They stomped their feet and Frost the griffin dropped from the ceiling. The stone was just laying on the floor. Everyone was just staring at it, the tension in the air thickened. Frost lunged down and grabbed the stone with his beak. Drac punched him and he spat the stone out. they all began to fight. The tiger managed to break out of the net and was standing right behind the fight.

"OK! PARTY'S OVER!" She roared. They stopped fighting, Surge and Everest looked at the tiger with frightened expressions. They got up and slowly backed up,

"Nice tiger?" Frost said in a frightened voice. She bared her teeth and snarled. Surge teleported them far away. Nicholas picked up the stone and the tiger snarled,

"Follow me." She turned around and beckoned them with a flick of her tail. They went back to the throne room. She hopped up onto her throne and held a paw out. Nicholas dropped the stone in her paw. She held it close to her chest and closed her eyes. Then she put the stone in the small pendant around her neck. She opened her eyes and looked at them, "Well, what brings you to the bottom of the ocean?" She asked, flicking her tail.

"We came for the stone but-" Ericka's explanation was cut off by Silvermist,

"Yes everyone does. But, since you helped get it back.." She jumped down from her throne and walked over to them. she used two of her claws and popped the stone out of the pendant, nosed Ericka's hand open and put the stone in her hand. she looked down at her hand, surprise. "Why me?" She asked.

"You have the purest intentions," Silvermist said, "despite your past."

"How do you know about my past?" She asked.

"All the guardians know everyone's past, present, and future." Silvermist explained, "you used to be a monster hunter, raised by your great-grandfather, then you fell in love with a monster and left your old life behind. You had children with him and here you are now." They all looked surprised. "And that was just the brief version." Silvermist said, ears perked. She padded over to Drac, "pet me." She said softly.

"Um why?" He asked uncomfortably,

"Just do it." Silvermist snapped. He lightly stroked her head. Her eyes looked distant for a second. He stopped and she backed up. Her eyes were full of pain, "you've been through so much pain and loss." She told him.

"You really CAN see everything." He said impressed,

"You lost your first wife in a fire and almost got killed MULTIPLE times." Silvermist said. She looked over at Nicholas. He felt like she was staring into his soul. Then she tore her gaze away from him and looked down,

"You've been bullied, and hurt," She said, "you fell in love and almost got killed with a stake."

"All true." He said. She turned to Zoey, she looked at the ground. "Please don't." Zoey mumbled.

"As you wish." Silvermist nodded. She unclipped the pendant and handed it to Ericka, "Take good care of it." Silvermist said. Ericka put the stone in the pendant and clipped it around her neck. Silvermist hopped back up onto her throne and curled her tail neatly around her paws, "If you want to collect the next stone, I suggest you go see Tumbleleaf next." She informed.

"Do you know where he is?" Drac asked.

"The abandoned part of the Redwood Forest," Silvermist said, "you best be going now."

"Thanks for your help!" Zoey said as they left the room. When they exited the building, the stone gave them a large bubble of air, so they could breath.

"Must be the stone," Ericka said as they floated to the surface. They crawled onto the beach and flew off to a shady area to rest. Ericka's phone buzzed, it was her news app. She clicked on it and her face fell when she read it:



Her lip trembled, tears scummed her eyes. "What's wrong?" Drac asked, sitting next to her. She handed him her phone and buried her face in her palms, her soft sobs could be heard. He looked at the phone and knew why she was upset. Nicholas walked over, "whoa," He exclaimed, "what's wrong with mom?" Drac handed him the phone, "Oh." Nicholas said, he scrolled down to the pictures and saw a beast, his sister, a murderer....


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