Chapter 10: The Water Stone

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"Where do you think Silvermist is?" Nicholas asked. The moon was slowly rising and they were slowly waking up.

Zoey yawned and replied, "I don't know....The ocean?"

Nicholas looked at his phone, "Warm, wet and wild." He read.

"Maybe -yawn- its California." Ericka said, opening her eyes slightly.

"Could be." Nicholas said. They staggered to their feet, and flew off. They landed on the coast. The waves lapped at the shore, the beach was deserted because it was 11:30 at night. They looked in the water, a light blue light could be seen far beneath the surface.

"Hold your breath." Zoey said, and they all jumped in. Since vampires don't need to breathe, they made it to the bottom. The blue light was coming from blue fire. They walked over to the torch, they were all wondering how it was lit underwater. They saw another a few feet away, and another,and another. It was a trail. They followed it to some sort of gate, with two fences coming out of each side. Two hammerhead sharks were guarding the entrance. They had on polished bronze armor and had spears in their flippers. They saw them approach and said,

"Halt!" They put their hands up in the air. The fire stone in Zoey's pocket started to flash wildly. She took it out and the sharks looked surprised, "You defeated Magma?" One asked, they nodded their heads. "Your here for the water stone?" The other asked, they nodded again. Zoey put the stone in her pocket and the guards opened the gate. They stepped into this small room and the gate closed behind them. All the water drained out through grates in the floor. Oxygen flooded the room and they took big breaths of it. A door on the other side of the room opened and they walked through it. It led to a long white hallway with little streams running down the sides. They went slowly down the hallway. Then a deathly ROAR! Cut through the silence. They ran down the hallway and over to the sound. It came from the largest room, vines drooped from the ceiling and streams laced the floor. Smooth rocks were all over the place. Three large smooth boulders sat together, making a throne. But this throne has blood spatters on it and lots of claw marks. Another ferocious yowl cut through the air. They peaked around a boulder and gasped. A huge white tiger was trapped in a paralyzing net. Huge gashes were zig zagging all over its skin. It's pure blue eyes were blazing with fury. The blue flames blazed up on its back. It roared again,


"What about the stone!?" Zoey asked urgently,

"SOMEONE STOLE THE STONE!!" They heard a clatter on the other side of the room. They looked over to see two cloaked figures run to another hallway and dash away, one of the figures had the blue stone gripped in its grasp. "Get the stone back!" The tiger howled. They dashed off after the figures. The figures were just too fast.

"I...I won't let them get away." Ericka panted. She took off running ahead of the group. She shot like a lightning bolt down the hallway. She couldn't stop in time and crashed into the figures, the stone clattered to the floor. Ericka recovered first. "Who are you?" She demanded, getting up. One of the figures got up and tore its bandana off. The next one did the same. Ericka looked devastated. The rest of the group caught up to her. They all looked surprised as well.

"Everest, Surge?"

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