Chapter 15: The final chapter

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"You guys prepared for this?" Nicholas asked

"I never believed that I'd ever have to do this," Ericka said, twiddling with the Water stone. "To my own DAUGHTER."

"But we have no choice.'' Zoey said.

"yeah...'' Ericka responded, putting stone back in the Pendant, "yeah..." They were traveling through the thick, black forest surrounding the hotel. When it came into sight, they saw Mavis standing outside with happy tears streaming out of her eyes. Drac's face lit up and ran ahead of the group to embrace her in his arms.

"Your alive.'' She said gratefully.

" Why wouldn't we be?'' He asked softly. They broke apart when the rest of the group caught up.

"Heyyy little brother!" Mavis squeaked, hugging Nicholas.

"I didn't know you cared about me." Nicholas said.

"Eh..I have compassion for everyone."

"Zoey." She said, nodding at Zoey. Then she saw Ericka. She looked conflicted as she scanned her arms. She suddenly flung herself at her and hugged her tighter than everybody else. "I love you." She whispered. Ericka looked stunned, but hugged her back. She did a small fist pump and said,

"Yesssss." To herself. They broke apart when a blood-curdling howl broke out though the night.

"And that's who we were looking for." Zoey said. Tiffany the werewolf broke through trees, but stopped when she saw them. She bared her razor sharp teeth and screeched,

"IF YOU WANT ME...COME AND GET ME!!!" She ran off back into the trees.

"Follow her!" Nicholas commanded, and they raced after her, It was hard to follow her because her fur was so dark, but they could make out her large shape easily. Her eyes were a darker amber now, almost orange.

"I'll cut her off!" Drac said, sprinting ahead of them. They heard a loud noise from up ahead. They saw that Drac had tripped Tiffany and she was scrambling to get up. She was panting hard for some reason. They stopped to watch what she was going to do. She looked at them, but instead of anger, she had a pleased expression.

"Like they all say..." She barked in Steve's voice, "YOUR TOO LATE!!" She howled in laughter as the full moon started to turn red...blood red. Her eyes reflected the red light and turned the same shade of red as the moon and looked at them with a gaze of pure hatred. "You better run.." She snarled, lunging at them. They dodged and started to run as fast as they could go away from her. She didn't give up the chase, she ran after them, staying hot in pursuit.

"Wait..." Ericka said, looking down at the stone in the pendant. She yanked it out, turned around, stopped running and yelled, "STOP!!" The others looked at her like she was mad out of her mind, until they saw the stone. Surprisingly, Tiffany stopped. She looked at the stone in confusion.

"NO!" Steve said in her head.

"By the power in this stone.." Ericka started to chant, slowly getting louder, "I summon Silvermist to my aid!" The stone glowed and shot a beacon of light up into the sky. Some kind of portal opened and a large white shape dropped out of it. Silvermist landed heavily in between them and Tiffany. Silvermist was now 2x bigger than she was before. She had scars all over her, and bronze armor covering her shoulders and back. She had spikes on her shoulders and one on her tail like a scorpion. This is what she looks like:

(minus the saber fangs and she's a white tiger!)

(minus the saber fangs and she's a white tiger!)

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The Werewolf's Curse (fan fiction) (second book in Epilogue series)Where stories live. Discover now