Chapter 7

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Tiffany looked at the doors of the middle school. She took a big breath and walked in. The hallways were bustling with movement. She fought her way through the crowd and went to her homeroom, the only classroom she knew about. She walked in and sat at an empty desk. Once everyone was in the room, the teacher closed the door and started to talk. "Hello students!" He said, "my name is Mr. Romano and I will be your homeroom teacher! Now I will hand out your schedules." He handed them out slowly. When Tiffany got hers she saw that she had P.E first.

"Great!" She said to herself. Then the bell rang three times and everyone got up. She went with a swarm of people to P.E. When they got there, the coach gave them assigned seats on the gym floor.

"TIFFANY!" He yelled,

"here!" She piped up.

"You sit here." He snapped, pointing at a spot on the floor. She walked over and plopped down. This took about 10 minutes. Then he started to talk about rules and crap.

"NOW ONTO OUR GAME FOR TODAY." He bellowed. Then Tiffany started to feel nauseous. What is wrong with me? She thought as the feeling got stronger. Then she couldn't take it,

"COACH!" She yelled the best she could,"I have to use the bathroom!"

"OK YOU MAY GO." He yelled to her. She bolted out of the gym and to the restroom. But when she went inside, the feeling eased. What.. She thought. She turned to leave when a voice on the other side of the bathroom caught on to her. "Tiffany."

She froze, "How do you know my name?" She asked, turning back around. A strange Werewolf was standing on the other side of the bathroom.

He walked over to her, "I am you." He said to her, bending down to her level. "But how?" She asked.

"My dear.." He said smoothly, "you have a gift."

"What is it?" she continued to ask questions.

"The gift of..the Werewolf." He said.

"Really?!" She said, confused but intrigued.

"Yes," He said, "and you need to learn how to harness that power."

"I always knew I was more special than my brother." Tiffany scoffed. The Werewolf scowled,

"Your brother is a nuisance."

"More like a self-centered brat." Tiffany said.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"I like you," Tiffany admitted, "what's your name?"

"My name is Steve," Steve said to her, "now you should get back to class."

"Yeah," She said, "nice meeting you!" And she ran back to P.E. They were playing dodgeball. Pretty basic game, everyone knew how to play. Tiffany was on the blue team with about....15 other students. When the coach blew the whistle, everything seemed to go in slow motion. A ball came hurtling at Tiffany like a meteorite. She caught it an inch from her face. She threw it so hard when it hit the kid, it made them collapse to the floor. She felt alive, knocking kids down left and right. Then she felt something, she felt like something snapped. She felt like her mouth caught on fire and her arms and legs got snapped off. She touched one of her teeth, they were growing longer and sharper. She could hardly stand up. She tried to fight this horrible feeling off, but someone whispered to her, don't fight...let it take control. She stopped and let it loose. Everyone was screaming and running around the room. The coach was on his phone, calling someone. When Tiffany was fully transformed, she was as tall as three full grown men stacked on top of each other. She let out a blood-curdling howl and ran through the wall to the front of the school. Steve was watching from the shadows, "She's finally ready...."

The Werewolf's Curse (fan fiction) (second book in Epilogue series)Where stories live. Discover now