Chapter 13: the Air stone

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The wind swooshed around them, they were at Cape Blanco, Oregon. One of the windiest places on earth. They were in a pine forest, the wind shook the trees so much, it looked like the wind was trying to rip the trees from the ground and throw them as far away as possible. "IS GALEBREEZE AROUND HERE??" Nicholas yelled above the shrieking of the wind.

"HE MIGHT BE THE ONE CAUSING THIS!!!" Zoey yelled back. They came to a clearing in the forest. The tall grass was rippling with the wind, making it look like green water almost. The grey clouds above looked darker in this area. blue lightning shot through the clouds. A giant shape of a dragon could be seen as the lightning shot through the clouds.

"Galebreeze." Ericka said quietly.

"WHAT??!!" Drac yelled, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!"

She did an annoyed sigh, "ITS GALEBREEZE."

"HOW DO WE GET HIM DOWN HERE?!" Nicholas yelled.

"READ THE CHANT." Zoey screamed.

"GOOD IDEA." Nicholas yelled, pulling out his phone.

Galebreeze, Criminal and Lawless,

you control the four winds of the earth with the power of a god,

come forth and show me your power!

Thunder rumbled all around them, blue lightning struck the clearing in four areas. Keeping steady beams of electricity. The dragon shape opened its mouth and let out a earth shaking roar, blue lightning shot out of it. It dropped from the sky, the dragon was the size of a skyscraper! It spread its wings at the last second and pulled up. It did an arc and you could see the spikes on its back, more blue lightning crackled in between the spikes. It landed heavily in front of them, lifting its head and spreading its wings as far as it could go. More lightning shot out of its mouth. It's menacing eyes opened and it said,

"Ok what do you want, and make it fast, I want to get back to my nap." It looked at it's talons with boredom.

"WE HAVE COME FOR THE STONE!" Drac said boldly above the wind. Galebreeze looked at him with a surprised look, the wind calmed down to a slight breeze.

"What did you just say?" Galebreeze asked.

"We're here for the stone." Drac said, a bit calmer. Galebreeze stared at them for a minute, then burst out laughing. They looked confused. Galebreeze calmed down and wrapped his tail neatly around his talons.

" do you plan on getting the stone?" He asked.

"First of all...where is it?" Zoey asked back. Galebreeze puffed out his chest to show a small, almost clear stone in a strap of some kind, criss-crossing across his chest. The stone glowed brightly in the presents of the other stones. Galebreeze looked down at it, "That's new." He observed. All the other stones started to glow brighter too. They took the stones out.

"You have stones?!" Galebreeze asked with disbelief.

"Yup, three." Ericka replied.

"Fine..I'll give you a chance to earn the Air stone," Galebreeze said, "a CHANCE."

"Thank you." Zoey breathed.

"In order to get the stone you must-" He was cut off abruptly. A gunshot sounded nearby, followed by more and more. Galebreeze roared in pain and was thrown off balance. His side was slick with blood. He started to fall over.

"DUCK!" Nicholas screamed, and they ran out of the way. Galebreeze tumbled to the ground, a giant puff of dust flew up into the air. Hundreds of people dressed in black, with guns in their hands, advanced closer on the fallen guardian. But Galebreeze wasn't giving up yet. He lifted his massive head and opened his jaws, more lightning shot out. The people in black dodged the lightning and shot hundreds of tranquilizer darts at him. That was all Galebreeze had left in him. His head flopped back down in the dirt and he closed his eyes. The P.I.B (People In Black) shot one huge net at him and encased him. Four helicopters came in and lifted Galebreeze out of the meadow.

"NO! GALEBREEZE! WAKE UP!!" Zoey screeched. Nicholas held her back from running after them.

"It's over." Nicholas said sadly.

"We could follow them." Ericka suggested.

"But what if they spot us?" Drac asked.

"We won't know until we try." Zoey said, breaking free of Nicholas's grasp.

"Then let's go." Ericka said, running off in the direction of the helicopters...

They ran all the way to a remote city. The helicopters had descended into a large warehouse. "Let's go." Zoey whispered, and they snuck around to the front of the warehouse. They peeked through a crack in the wall, one of the P.I.B was talking to a burly man with scratches all over his arms and legs.

"A bounty hunter." Ericka said, frightened. He looked at Galebreeze with a pleased expression. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a huge stack of cash. The person took it with gratitude, and rushed away. The bounty hunter turned to Galebreeze, and put his hand in between his eyes.

"I've got big plans for you." He said in a deep, rough voice. He took his hand off and walked away. They snuck inside the warehouse and over to Galebreeze.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out." Zoey comforted him.

"Um...guys?" Ericka faltered, her voice expressed pure horror, "I think this guy is more than just a bounty hunter." They walked over to her and were just as horrified as she was. Heads of all sorts of animals and things lined the wall, top to bottom, side to side. They walked along the wall, looking at all the innocent animals. They saw a lion, tiger, a rabbit, even a white rhino. At the end of the wall, there was an empty space, just big enough for Galebreeze's head.

"Oh no," Nicholas said in a small voice, "he wants to chop off Galebreeze's head and put it on display!"

"Not if we get Galebreeze out of here fast enough." Zoey said.

"You're not going anywhere," The bounty hunters' rough voice scratched it's way through the air. He had on a hockey mask on, with dried blood splattered on it, and a knife in one of his hands. "You'll fit nicely on my wall." He suddenly disappeared. They heard his laughter echoing around the warehouse. All the lights went out, only the faint light from the hole in the wall could be seen. silence. A scream cut through the air, but it wasn't any of them. The lights flickered back on, but kept flickering. They heard a CRACK! from above. Something was falling from the ceiling. Before they could regroup, walls fell around them. It was a maze.

"ZOEY!" Nicholas yelled in pure panic.

"I'm over here!" She yelled back from behind a wall.

"Meet at the middle of the maze!" Drac said.

"Agreed." They all agreed, starting to walk through the maze. As Nicholas came to an intersection, he saw a flash of white and a flash of something else chasing the white flash.

"Mom?!" He said, starting to chase the flashes. As he turned the corner, he was glad he got there when he did. The bounty hunter had his mom pressed up against the wall, a wooden stake in his hand, ready to strike. Nicholas snuck up behind him and said, "Stop getting handsy with my mom!" And knocked a brick into his head. He collapsed sideways.

"Thanks sweetie." She quietly.

"Eh, no problem," Nicholas replied, "the only person who is allowed to do that is dad."

"That's right!" They heard Drac yell from somewhere in the maze. The bounty hunter groaned and started to get up. They raced out of that area. Eventually they all met up in the center. "Which way is out?" Drac asked.

"I'm pretty sure I saw the exit that way." Zoey said.

"Worth a try." Nicholas said. They walked down the way Zoey suggested and made it out. Galebreeze made it out of the net by himself.

"Are you ok?" Zoey asked.

"I'll be sore for some time but I'll be fine." Galebreeze said. He popped the rock out of the harness and gave it to Nicholas.

"Why me?" He asked in confusion.

"You helped your mother when she needed it, you showed great loyalty and compassion, making you the perfect stone. The stone glowed brightly in his hands, "I guess you're right," He said thoughtfully, "and I'll take good care of it." Galebreeze nodded his head respectfully, stretched his wings and crashed through the warehouse walls, flying off into the distance, leaving the stone with it's new owner...

The Werewolf's Curse (fan fiction) (second book in Epilogue series)Where stories live. Discover now