Bucky's Prologue

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It was Bucky's sophomore year of college. He was having the time of his life 20 years old already making a name for himself in the sports world. It was one of the last few games of the season. They were playing against UNC at home.

They beat UNC as Bucky scored the winning touch down after Scott fumbled. They got back to their dorms to celebrate their win. Clint's cousin Ella Barton came in since Natasha told her about the party.

Bucky and Ella flirted all night till he finally took her to bed. Bucky used his last 5 condoms on her. The next morning around 5 she got a text that they were loading up the bus. She kissed him goodbye and left her number in his phone.

They texted her and there but nothing came from that night. Until two months later. Clint knew how his cousin she was the female version of Bucky. No relationships no strings so when she called Bucky cause he was one of 4 of the last guys she has slept with.

Bucky went to see her that Friday he knocked on her door. She opened the door for him. "You said you needed to talk.." he said

"Yeah..um Im pregnant." Ella said

"Well what makes you think its mine..I know I used condoms and you said you were on the shot. Clint told me how you are." Bucky said

She chewed her bottom lip as she waited for him to finish. "I have already informed the other guys that I may possibly be pregnant with their baby. I went to the doctor this morning Im 10 weeks along due in August. The doctor said that I can have a paternity test done when the baby is born. But Bucky please understand that I didn't want this. I had dreams to be a NFL cheerleader. And I will understand if you don't want to be here for appointments the others already made it clear they didn't want to support me."

Bucky looked down. "Ella Im sorry I snapped at you. I didn't mean to come off like an asshole. I just Im always careful I have dreams too." He said

He walked over to her "But I will be here when you need me to be. " he said

She kissed him and he ended up spending the entire weekend with Ella. Bucky was the only one that went with her to appointments. They weren't exactly dating but they were having a sexual relationship with each other.

On August 20th Ella gave birth to a baby boy. They ran the paternity test before she could name him. Bucky asked her to do that cause their was a family name in his family.

Two days later the results were in. The doctor said "In the case of baby boy Barton. The father is James B. Barnes."

Bucky swallowed hard as he closed his eyes. He went to Ella's room where the nurse was "Kanon James Barnes is his name."

"He's yours.." Ella said as she fed Kanon a bottle.

"Yeah..I guess a condom broke.." he said still in shock.

"Buck..Im sorry.." Ella said

"I have a phone call to make.." he said as he walked out to call his parents.

Ella transferred her credits and scholarship to UGA. They moved into a small apartment close to campus. Winnie and James watched Kanon as football season started. When Bucky didn't have a game or practice he was back in Macon working at his dad's auto shop.

When Kanon was 5 months old Bucky was laying in bed with Kanon. Ella was gone to cheer at an away game. Where she cheated on Bucky after the game.

Bucky a few days later told her after sex that he loved her. But when she didnt say it back her words from the day she told him she was pregnant.

He got up "Ella..You still don't want this do you?"

"Buck I.." she said

He shook his head he pulled on his clothes. He started to pack his stuff and Kanon's stuff. He loaded down his truck put Kanon in his car seat. He wiped tears when Ella came out.

"Buck Im sorry..I just .." she said

"You are just like Frankie. Only thinking and caring about yourself. I told you how bad she hurt me when I fell for her at 15 and she lead me on. You have done the same damn thing to me! Im taking him with me I will raise him all by my god damn self." He said and slammed the door behind him.

He returned the engagment ring he had gotten her for her birthday that was in a few weeks. He used the money to get a lawyer.

He had papers drawn up to have her sign her rights over to him. He moved back into his old bedroom the basement apartment.

He got enrolled into the community college. He put Kanon in daycare for when he had class and swore to himself that he would never fall in love again.

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