Chapter 6: Meeting Dr Burkhart

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The next morning Sydney swallowed hard as she went into the kitchen. "Daddy.." she said

He lowered his coffee cup slowly "Sydney Eloise what did you do?"

"Nothing. Um I have been asked on a date. He um is a guy from work." She said

"Okay you know I don't have a problem with you dating. " Ben said

She bit her lip "He um is 21 dad.." she said

"Sydney." Lyla said

"I take that as a no. I will go tell him." She said

"Syd wait.." Ben said

She turned back around "I have to meet him then I will decide if I trust him enough. Now lets have breakfast shall we?" Ben said

They all sat down and had breakfast after she went to get Kaisley. Lyla got Kaisley cleaned up while Sydney got ready for work.

After work she waited for Bucky to get done. "Hey it was a busy night." He said

" I um talked to my parents my dad would like to meet you first." She said

"I was figured that would be his answer. I don't mind to meet your parents darlin." He said

She smiled "thats good. My dad is a doctor but he is also ex military. My mom is a kindergarten teacher. You have already met my sister Saylor. We have two older brothers Carter and Cameron they are in the military. Im the baby."

"Oh wow..well thats good to know and scary. But not to scary my dad is ex military too." He said as he put her on his tail gate.

He sat beside her "You looked beautiful tonight" he said

"Im sure I look a hot mess now." She said

"So do you not cheer during basketball season?" He said

She looked down "I had to choose between work and cheer. To many games for John to let me off. So like I had to do for softball I quit. Ive been possibly thinking about getting my GED. Its just to much stress Im tired Im up till 2 in the morning with homework. Im trying to potty train Kaisley and work and school. I know my car needs to be fixed. I just wish I had some help." She said

"Believe darlin you are preachin to the choir. " he said

She smirked.

"Do you want to grab some burgers?" He said

"Yeah.." she said

He opened up his passenger side door. They went to In&Out again sat in his truck and ate as they talked about the night at work. After they were done he took her back to her car.

Two nights later was their next day off together. She helped her mom clean the house and make dinner. She  cleaned up the play pen of some of Kaisley's toys cause he said he would have to bring Kanon.

She fixed her hair and did her make up as Lyla finished up dinner. Saylor helped get Kaisley ready. Bucky texted her that he was about 5 minutes away. She quickly pulled her boots on and let everyone know.

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