Chapter 1: Changes

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-Present Day

Sydney was cleaning a table after a customer left. She was a waistress at Buffalo Wild Wings. Her baby girl was 15 months old now. It was a dead Tuesday afternoon.

Which wasn't uncommon for them at this time of year. It was March and spring break in Macon Georgia. After she finished up her table she was able to go find something else to do.

Just as she was about to go to the back. She saw a tall muscular man come in. She walked over and said "Just one?"

"No um Im here for a job interview with a John Tucker. Im James Barnes or Bucky." Bucky said

"I will let him know you are here." She said with a smile.

Sydney walked off thinking to her self my god is he gorgeous. She found John in his office "Hey Uncle John..a James Barnes is here for a interview."

"Send him on back Syd." John said

John was her mom's brother who offered her the job the moment she turned 16. She went back to the front "James..just follow me. I will show you to his office. Im Sydney by the way." She said

"Nice to meet you Sydney." He said

"Right here." She said

"Thanks Syd. You can go on home its dead. Sadie can handle the floor. I will call you if I need you to come back in." John said

"Thanks" she said

Bucky went into the office "Mr Barnes its a pleasure to meet you. Have a seat" John said

Bucky sat down John asked all the usual questions. Then he said "Why do you want this job? If you already have one at your family's shop. Why did you go through the trouble of bar tending school when you are already in your last two years of college."

"To be honest I need a second job. Um I have a 7 month old son who I am raising by myself. Im enrolled in online classes at the community college. My ex girlfriend is no longer in the picture and I need the extra money so I can move him and me out of my parents house. I have child care I can work weekends I only open the shop I can come in at 4 during the week." Bucky said

John smiled at him "You are hired then. You can start tomorrow will need non slip shoes" he said he got up and gave him three shirts.

"Thank you so much Mr Tucker." Bucky said

"You are very welcome." He said

Bucky took the shirts then made his way out of the restaurant to his truck. He went by Walmart to get him some non slip shoes.

He got what he needed for Kanon while he was there as well. He seen Sydney in the diaper section as she got some pull ups and wipes.

Sydney was in the midst of potty training Kaisley. She got her some new sippy cups as well. Bucky figured she was shopping for her mom.

They both got checked out and headed home. He let his parents know that he got the second job. He made Kanon a bottle and some baby food.

Sydney gave Kaisley some chicken nuggets and fries from Mcdonalds.

When Life Gives You LemonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora