Chapter 3: Bowling..

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It was a slow Friday night since football season ended. It was that time of year where it was in between football and basketball season. John came out and said "Sydney Sadie Olivia James Cody Sean you all are cut."

"John its only 8" Sydney said

"And we have been dead for the past hour Syd. Im sorry.." he said

They all started to cash out and clock out. Sadie said "Anyone up for bowling?"

Olivia Cody and Sean all said "Yeah.."

"You two?" Sadie said

Sydney looked up at her after texting "sure but Im gonna go home and change. Ive been working since noon." Sydney said

"Count me in." Bucky said after Winnie said Kanon was already asleep.

They all left to change and shower. Sydney let her red hair down and put her contacts in after she showered. She did some make up to hide her dark circles the best she could.

She gently kissed Kaisley who was sleeping in her toddler bed. She snuck out of her room then headed to the bowling alley.

Bucky went by his place since his parents had Kanon

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Bucky went by his place since his parents had Kanon. He showered and changed real fast. Cody and Sean were in a few of his classes in high school and old baseball buddies.

He felt atleast he had a few friends. He missed his other friends though he has isolated himself since the whole thing. Clint felt horrible cause it was his cousin that screwed Bucky over.

Bucky pulled into the parking lot. He saw Sydney and Olivia walking in. He came in a few minutes behind them.

"Okay..Olivia and Sean and me are a team and Bucky Syd and Cody are on a team." Sadie said

Sydney rolled her eyes.

She sat down next to Bucky to put her shoes on. "I hope you are good at bowling Buck cause I suck at bowling" Sydney said

"Barnes is good at every sport.." Cody chimed in.

"I may be a little rusty on this one Jones its been awhile." Bucky said

Sydney found her ball and took her turn first. Cody shook his head "Syd do you need the gutters?"

"You say that everytime." Sydney said

Cody took his turn and got a strike. He high fived Bucky. Bucky took his turn managed to get a strike.

"Rusty my ass." Sydney said

Bucky smirked "Sorry darlin."

She took her turn "Can we get some gutters." Cody said

"Shut up Cody before I smack the shit out of you." She said

Cody went to get him and Bucky some beers. "Thanks man." Bucky said as Cody took his turn.

By the end of the night Bucky and Cody both beat Sydney. Bucky was about to get in his truck when he heard someone having car trouble.

He looked to see Sydney he pulled his truck over to her. "Mind if I take a look. My other job is at the auto shop." He said

"Sure." She said

She popped her hood he got in his truck and got a flash light. He checked everything over. He got his jumper cables out and gave her a jump.

He closed her hood " really need to come to the shop and let me fix some things." He said

She looked down "I know my car is a mess. But I really dont have the money right now. But thanks for the offer."

"Sydney.." he said

"I will be okay..Ill see you tomorrow." She said and she started up her car and left.

Bucky went on home trying to figure out why Sydney a high school junior cheerleader could possibly mean by her comment. The next day Sydney pulled in just as Bucky was changing shirts in the parking lot.

"Holy mother of god..he is built.." she whispered to herself.

She had her hair in french braids and glasses. Their was a Bulldog basketball game on so it was pretty busy.

Sydney wasn't paying attention when she seen the host give her table. She was getting her book out when she looked up to seen Dylan with his girlfriend Maci.

"Hi Im Sydney..Ill be your waitress tonight. Can I start you all out with a drink?" She said with a fake smile.

Dylan gave their drink and appetizer order. She went to the register at the end of the bar. Cody seen her face he walked over to her.

"Syd what's wrong? Did someone get to handsy?" Cody said

"No..I need some air." She said

She was pissed she squatted down. She had been trying for almost two years to get him to help financially. But he refused Cody found Sadie who had become like a big sister to Sydney.

Sadie gave her a cigarette and talked her down. She went back inside and forced the biggest smile on her face till they lefr without even leaving a tip. That night Sydney cried herself to sleep.

Lyla heard about what happened from her brother. She and Ben listened to her all night long.

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