•Halloween II•

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*Jason is the above gif*

Harley practically dragged me back inside before i even got to reconsider. Our walk was awkwardly silent in contrast to the noise around us. There was something wrong. Harley's never one to keep secrets from me, but for some reason I could tell that she was. Just as we got to the front of the house i bucked up the courage to ask "whats going on with you Harls? Your not yourself recently."

"Nothings up Vale. Just relationship shit." This was weird because Harley never has relationship problems, as shes never in one. She just fucks around from time to time.

"Who is it?the lucky fella?" I pushed, demanding to know more.

"No one you'd know...and besides they don't even like me back, i'm just buggin' out for no reason V!" Haley sighed. I felt sorry for her, she clearly has strong feelings for this person.

Before i even got to comfort my bestie she changed the subject. "Don't hate me, but the only reason i'm even setting this up is because i think this chat is waaay overdue." Harley said with an exhausted laugh. I don't know if the alcohol was kicking in, but something did not feel right about this. A few moments later it clicked. I knew who she was trying to make me talk to, but i just played dumb. "I don't understand,who?" I questioned, with the most confused look possible on my face.

"Me Vee." It was Jason. By the time i turned around to walk back in Haley was already gone and i could feel a tight grip around my waist. "Vee, please wait. I just wanna talk!" He pleaded, with a pleading face that looked like it was ready to burst into tears.

"What do you possibly wanna talk about Jason? If you think we could ever get back together your totally trippin!" i yelled this whilst tears uncontrollably dripped down my face. The truth is, as much as i tell myself i'm over Jason, I'm not. I try my hardest to not think about him, even accepting him & Ivy, but he was my first lover, the first one i was ever intimate with. I began to shake as the memories of our relationship took control over my brain, and Jason had taken off his black leather jacket & wrapped it around me, moving us to a more quiet area of the front garden.

"I just wanna take the time out to apologize to you. Since the day you left me, you never gave me chance to explain myself or to tell you how i feel, and it hurt like fuck. You just threw me to the curb" He let out a big sigh like he had been holding that in for ages. I let him continue, i wanted to hear his sorry excuse for being a cheat.

"That day you caught me with Ivy & Honey in the changing rooms and quickly accused me of cheating before i even got to explain myself, you was wrong & i was confused, because Honey told me you wanted us to all meet in the changing rooms!"

Honey? but i never saw Honey in the changing room that day. When i ran out the changing room to head towards my car, Honey was outside by my car trying to stop me from crying & reassuring me that he was nothing but a cheating Stud.

"What are you going on about Jason, Honey was outside the changing rooms when i caught you being a whore..."

"Yes AFTER she was inside with me!when you came in she ran out.Come on Vee, how else would the skeezer had known that i was supposedly cheating with Ivy if she wasn't there!? Why did she tell Ivy to take her top off if she wasn't there!?" By this point we were both literally screaming at each over, but he was right. No one else was outside the changing rooms but her that day. She even told me the same day that i should get over him & let Ivy have him, even though i just caught her with her tits out in the open in front of MY man! She told me to let Ivy stay in the group & not be immature about the situation & question her about it.

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