•Coming Out•

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When I woke up in the morning I wasn't surprised that Billy had left. I could still smell the strong smell of cologne & cigarettes so he couldn't have left that long before I woke. It was the last day of this long school semester and summer break was right around the corner. I didn't have many plans, seeing as my friends decided to turn to snakes on the final week of school, meaning i would not be attending any of our stupid summer plans this year, and im slightly glad. Honey's idea of fun is standing outside the mall or basketball courts and flirting with everyone else's man. Ivy & Denise's idea of fun is playing tennis in a court all day long & Harley's idea is getting drunk & high, which is the only one i could relate too!

Brushing the thoughts of my old friends out of my head, I got ready for the last day. I decided to pair a plain yellow string vest with some Calvin Klein denim shorts & yellow converse. I brushed my hair back and let it loose, not bothering to tie it up. Checking that the coast was clear, I ran downstairs to go straight to my car, hoping my father wouldn't have found out that I stayed out late & that Billy was at our house, even worse in my room. I twisted the door knob when a violent force slammed it closed.

"Who was here last night and don't bother lying to me Valentina, I always find out the truth don't I?" Growler my father.
" it was Harley, she stayed and left early this morning." I lied through my teeth. Wrong move. Gripping my arm he leaned forward and then whispered "you wouldn't want to lie to me now, don't make me warn you again." He let go off my arm and I was positive there was a bruise. Panicking, I rushed out of my door and ran towards my car when I jumped from the loud noise of a beeping car.

"Get in Vale, I'm doing school run today!" It was Harley, with Lucas & Erica sitting in the back of her car. "You've gotta be kidding me! Your crazy if you think I wanna talk to you again snake!" I yelled with tears rolling out my eyes.
"Snake! How am I the snake! I've been tryna help you out! Now pleaseeee get in so I can explain." She yelled back at me whilst Lucas and Erica looked from behind clearly shocked as hell. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I jumped in & she whizzed off towards school.
Turning earth, wind & fire - let's groove up on full blast as we headed towards school.
Erica & Lucas bickered in the back whilst me and Harley bickered in the front.
" I saw you Harley! Laughing & giggling with those bitches on the opposite table!" I yelled.
"It's not even like that Vale...you never let anybody explain shittttt!" She replied whilst taking a pull from her cigarette.

"What is there to explain? That your a snake who chose to chill with the girls who set up your best friend!" I shouted whilst tears rolled down my eyes.
" That is not what happened at all! The only reason I was there was so that I can speak to sienna! The dumbo didn't know anything about the situation so I told her & we confronted them both AFTER we found out more about their false friendship with you!" She said sternly whilst looking directly into my eyes.
"I don't understand...So sienna didn't have anything to do with the situation? That's a lie, their twins for fucksake! Where was she when Honey & Ivy we're planning this bullsh-"

"She was with me Vale!! We're fucking together!"
The whole car fell silent as we pulled up to school. Realizing that this was their cue to leave, Lucas & Erica jumper out of the car & thanked Harley & I before running to school. "What the fuck do you mean your together? As in...in love?" I questioned my bestie. The more i thought about it, the more it made sense. I should've saw the signs, all the flirting & play fighting. I felt stupid.

"EW NO! Not in love! I don't even know what that means."She replied, nudging me in my side which made us both giggle. "We both don't know where our heads are at right now, We're both not sure. So were just experimenting with each over, we haven't got as far as 2nd base but it's no biggie."

"2nd Base! Harls that is crazy! I never thought Sienna swung in that direction." I laughed, totally forgetting why i was angry.

"Neither did I, neither did she! But like i said its just an experiment. That doesn't make up for me totally ditching' you in the Cafeteria that day & i'm sorry. You are my best friend, but i just want you to know that i gave those two bitches a cussin they ain't ever gonna forget!" She laughed, throwing her cigarette out the window and squeezing my shoulder tight.

"I hope so, because your one of the only female friends i have right now." I sighed.

"Me & Sienna, she's on your side about this whole thing, she even moved in with her dad to get away from Ivy & her bitchy ways!" She replied.

"Really? What took her so long, i would've moved out or killed that bitch years ago!" I murmured, causing us both to laugh. Just at that second, Sienna ran over to the car, waiting for us to jump out. "Hey gurll, I missed you." She squealed whilst hugging me close. Before i even got to reply, Both Jason & Billy's cars pulled up in the school driveway, one after the other.

I felt myself feeling hot & my arms started to shake. Before i could plead the others to go inside the school, a familiar voice yelled at me, grabbing mine and everyone else's attention.

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