•Cruel Intentions I•

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I was so excited to get to school today that i was up & dressed way before Harley was even awake

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I was so excited to get to school today that i was up & dressed way before Harley was even awake. I always have clothes left over at Harley's for when we stay out too late or things are crazy at home. Mom & Dad used to be the most laid back parents, but it seems the older i get the more strict they are with me. If my dad would have found me coming in late or in that Halloween costume, he would've literally beat me to a pulp. Harley, being my best friend for years is the only one that knows about what i deal with at home. The only reason why Tommy H knows he's strict is because once he caught me, him & Steve smoking joints in the Garage & caused the BIGGEST scene ever. 

Shaking the thoughts of my father out my head, i was startled by a hard slap on my shorts & "Nice ass, Brown sugar." "Fuck you Harley!" I laughed whilst checking out my figure in the mirror. "No, but really, your figure is Bangin'! Billy boy got something right." Harley said with a smirk. "Well what he didn't get right was his choice in women...Honey, out of all the bomb girls in our school. Sienna seems more his type don't you think?" I questioned while applying my Maybelline roll on lip gloss whilst following her downstairs.

"Not really. I think she needs a change in relationships. And anyway, seeing as your keeping up your act with Honey the whore & your now Billy's kissing partner we can find out the 411 on what happened after we left right?" I didn't notice it then, but she sounded really concerned when i mention Sienna, which is something i should've picked upon if i wasn't stuck in my own feelings. We sat with Harley's Mom for breakfast & then headed off for school. I don't know what happened after me & Harls left, but i could tell something was up from the way all eyes were on us as soon as we stepped out her car. "Somethings up." said Harley as we wondered towards the school cafeteria. 

We both didn't have a first or second period so we got in just in time for lunch. As soon as we stepped in the cafeteria turned into to a graveyard, it was stone cold silent. I could feel all these eyes on me as i followed Harls towards our normal table. I could hear giggles coming from other tables & weird things like "who would've though V was such a freak!" & "...But that doesn't make her a slut!" I didn't even get time to process what i had heard when Jason grabbed my hand & said "I think you should sit with us, there is a lotta shit that you needa hear V." Without even replying i followed him back to his table were he sat with Billy, Tommy, Carol & Chris from the basketball team.

"HELLOO you big ol' freak!" Yelled Tommy, making the others laugh for what seemed like forever. "Tommy shut up man" Replied Jason, seeing the look of confusion on my face. I really couldn't understand what was going on, and where was Harley? "Look Vee, your gonna wanna hear this. I hate to say i told you so on your friend being the biggest scumbag, but i was right. After you left the party last night i broke up with Ivy. She was pissed, like overally pissed but I didn't care. Anyway, she just happened to run back to Honey & told her that i dumped her & blamed it on you, so Honey felt the need to announce to the whole fucking party that we fucked last night, which of course we didn't!"

Was i going death or did i just hear right? I zoned out into my own thoughts to try to figure out what the fuck i just heard when i caught on to him saying - 

"...and then after she told everyone that fake shit she told everyone that she caught you in bed with Billy but then you two swapped places." He looked disappointed in me as if that was true! I couldn't even talk, all i could see was the smirk on Billy's face as he said he "Clearly denied it!", Carol reassuring me that she believes me because she found out about the Ivy thing, Jason telling me to leave them all in the past & Tommy & Chris were saying if I did do those things that I would've been a mega freak but they would've respected it!

All i could do is nod to them in reply as i watched my So-called friendship group giggle & laugh from the across the room whilst they watched me. Honey was clearly tryna mock me by throwing her waist around, like she isn't the Skeezer of Hawkins High, Ivy eyeballing me & Jason as she clearly was not ready to get over the fact that he dumped her & Sienna was holding hands with Harley as they giggled & whispered in each overs ears.

SNAKES. Honey & Ivy wasn't surprising to me but Harley & Sienna, i was heartbroken. I tried to fight back tears as we all got up to go to our sociology lesson. Thankfully, Tommy & Carol put out word that the rumors were fake so people stopped staring at me & started discussing honey. That is literally the best thing about being friends wit those two, their mean but they've got enough power in the school to get you hated. Jason put his arm around me & hugged me close as we walked in to the classroom. Thankfully, the snakes didn't arrive till after us. I kept my eyes glued to the board as i could see party of snakes walk in. I could see Sienna smiling at me in the corner of my eyes but she put her head down & sat in her seat when she got the hint that i wasn't paying her any attention nor smiling back. Ivy had swapped places with Nancy wheeler so that she could sit next to Honey, as Jason returned to his old seat next to me so that we could talk more. They both glared at us before sitting down, but i didn't even have to look to notice the hint of hurt in both of their eyes. Last but not least, Harley came in slumped down in her seat, thriving to get my attention, but i wouldn't budge. Knowing that she was with them shattered my heart into a million pieces, she was supposed to be my friend.

" I don't think she wants to talk to you right now, Henderson" Billy said slyly, clearly noticing that i was ignoring her. "Shut up Hargrove, I don't remember me talking to you." And with that she gave me another look of sympathy but once again i refused eye contact.

Jason, seeing how agitated i looked, went to squeeze my hand when suddenly i felt a kick to the back off my chair. "Imagine if we did smash Brown." murmured the man himself.

"In your dreams Hot stuff!"

"It was in my dreams, your always in my dreams Sugar."

I can't stand him. "Brown, keep your brother away from my sister!" He said in a more serious tone.

"But why-"

*BBBBRRRRRRRRRR* The bell rang cutting us off.

"Because i told you to." And with that he walked out the class, with Tina on his arm. 

BROWN SUGAR-                                           BILLY HARGROVE Where stories live. Discover now