Chapter 3

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Becky woke up the next morning to find Nora curled up in a ball next to her. She couldn't help but smile as Nora slowly began to open her eyes.

"Good morning, little one." Becky said as Nora sat up in bed, revealing her messy hair.

Becky let out a laugh as Nora stretched her little arms.

"Dean?" Nora asked Becky as she realized he wasn't in bed.

"He's not here is he? Why don't we go look for him?" Becky asked as she offered out her hands.

Nora watched as Becky picked her up. She carried Nora downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Dean!" Nora said in excitement as she saw Dean cooking breakfast.

"Hi there, pretty girl." Dean said as he walked over messed up her hair even more.

Becky laughed as Nora smiled at Dean.

"You don't like bacon do you?" Dean asked.

"Yes!" Nora said in excitement as Becky sat Nora down at the counter.

"Here you go." Dean said as he handed her a piece of bacon.

Becky walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"And good morning to you, beautiful." Dean said as he kissed Becky on the lips.

"Ew!" Nora said as she made a weird face at them.

Becky and Dean shared a laugh as Nora ate her bacon.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Dean asked.

"Other than having a few cravings, I feel fine." Becky told him.

Dean handed Nora another piece of bacon when he saw her reaching over the counter.

"Have you heard from Kingston?" Becky asked.

"Not yet. If he doesn't call in a little while, I figured I'd drive down there and talk to him." Dean said.

"I'll go with you." Becky told him.

"Yeah?" Dean asked her.

"Yeah.. We can go after breakfast." Becky told him as they looked over at Nora with concern.

A few streets over, Finn woke up to find Zelina walking around her apartment in his t-shirt.

"I should probably get going." Finn told her.

"You don't want to stay for coffee?" Zelina asked.

"I have a girlfriend, Zelina. This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come here last night." Finn told her.

"No, you shouldn't have." Zelina told him.

Finn looked at Zelina with confusion.

"You're kind of an ass for cheating on your girlfriend.." Zelina told him.

"You do realize that it takes two people to cheat?" Finn asked.

"Yes, but I'm not dating your girlfriend, you are. So you are the one that fucked up, not me." Zelina told him.

"Can I have my t-shirt?" Finn asked on frustration.

"You want your shirt back?" Zelina asked as she walked over to him.

"Yes, I do." Finn told her in annoyance.

"Then you're going to have to take it off of me." Zelina said as she got in his face.

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