Meet Cleo Summers.

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Cleo Summers, she's just a girl determined to survive her sophomore year at William McKinley High School while worrying about her reputation, her grades and going to Nationals with The New Directions again. She also has to deal with the stress at home with her swimming lessons to get ready for competition season for swimming which is what her dad wants her to do. Her best friend at the school is Brittany despite Brittany being older than her they formed a connection after Cleo transferred midway through her freshman year and she tried out for Cheerios. Because of her swimming skills and how her hair is naturally quite wavy and curly Brittany thinks she's a mermaid and calls her that.Her favourite artist is Katy Perry or Taylor Swift but she also listens to all different kinds of music which comes in handy with Glee. She is an average singer, she doesn't always believe in her own ability but other tell her she is good but she doesn't see it. She loves gymnastics and cheer because she enjoys being active but she's not so fond of swimming anymore due to how much her dad pushes her to compete in it. She lives with her dad, Daniel, and younger sisters, Susie and Sally who are twins. Her mother died of complications slightly after the twins were born.

Picture above is what Cleo looks like.

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