Asian F.

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Cleo's POV.

It was the start of the next week and we were at booty camp, well everyone except Mercedes, and Santana was definitely back for good as she had come to join booty camp this week with Brittany, re-swearing her alliance for definite. Mercedes eventually walked in and everyone started making comments about how late she was and what was going on. "I slept through my alarm and had to get food." Was all that Mercedes had said before Mike had started to help her with the dance moves that we were learning today. I went over to Finn and helped him to learn the move as he had started tripping over his feet again.
"Hey, thanks for the extra hand, I know I'm not the easiest to work with." Finn said to me. I nodded and helped him to the first position of the move and watched him go through the move, which didn't look too bad but it wasn't perfect.
"Hey, you're getting better but just keep up with the practice." I said softly to him before demonstrating the move to him again. He then tried to copy me and was getting better each time he tried. I smiled at him and then looked over as Mercedes suddenly said she felt sick and Mr Shue started having a go at her to which she got more annoyed about.

Later on in the day, I learnt about quite a bit of drama that had been occurring in the day, Tina had told me that Mike had gotten in trouble with his dad for getting an 'Asian F' on his chemistry test, basically he got an A- which I hadn't seen as that awful but apparently Tina said it was. Mike had been told by his dad that he needed to quit Glee and dump Tina, but he had promised to get a tutor and improve his grade in chemistry. Miss Corcoran had started an all girls show choir group but not many people had auditioned for it, probably cause it had Sugar in it. Coach Beiste had mentioned that the football team would have to be backup dancers in West Side Story and it wasn't negotiable, but they had all complained that they couldn't learn the routines in several days and had all asked Mike to help them learn it, which he agreed to. Mercedes had also auditions for Maria by singing Spotlight with Tina and Brittany as background singers.Mercedes really was amazing and I think she deserves more attention than what she's given, I mean yes Rachel was good also but other people deserved their chance to be in the spotlight, not just her. The presidential race was also beginning to heat up between Kurt and Brittany as they both wanted to win, Kurt for his NYADA application and Brittany as she had noticed there hadn't been a female senior class president. While Kurt was a friend, I was much closer to Brittany and agreed with what she was standing for, she may not have known it but to me she was standing for equal opportunities for women and that we were just as capable as men.

It was later in the day and I was with Brittany and Santana, handing out badges to people to get them vote for Brittany. We then walked over to Kurt and Rachel who were discussing Kurt's campaign for the debate happening in a few days. "Hey Rachel, gonna vote for me?" Brittany asked Rachel.
"You know support a fellow female for a change in the school's political system?" I added after Brittany after seeing Rachel and Kurt scoff at her.
"Or you know attend Brit's pep rally about female empowerment?" Santana added before Brittany turned around and started to sing Beyonce's 'Run The World (Girls)' with the Cheerios in the background dancing. By the end of the pep rally all the female students in the school had gotten involved and Brittany made a small speech about what she was campaigning for.

A few days had passed since the pep rally for Brittany and let's just say a lot had happened in that time. Mike had gone against his father's wishes and auditioned to be Riff in West Side Story and continue to dance as it was his true passion, not like being a doctor which his dad wanted him to do. All the drama with Mike and his dad had reminded me of what I was going through with my dad, he wanted me to be something that wasn't truly what I wanted to be. Kurt had accepted that he wasn't going to be Tony in the play and had instead decided to support Blaine who was likely to be Tony. Kurt had given him some flowers, which I helped to choose, and told him that the cast list would be up soon and that he had heard from a 'little birdie' that Blaine was the top choice for Tony. The directors of West Side Story had also decided that Rachel and Mercedes should have a diva off to decide who would get the role of Maria. I was in booty camp with everyone who was needed there to help teach a dance move which was called 'The Widowmaker' which was quite a difficult show choir move to learn. Mr Shue had decided that once a person had got it correct either himself, Mike or Myself would go and tap them out to sit down. Towards the end it was only Finn and Mercedes left and you could tell that Finn had definitely been practising outside of booty camp as he was getting much better at it. Mike eventually went and tapped Finn out and I gave him a high five as a way of congratulating him. Mr Shue was watching Mercedes and telling her she needed to try harder and that she had almost got it. She tried a few more times but stopped. "I can't do it, my ankle hurts." Mercedes claimed as Mr Shue shook his head in disapproval and looked at her.
"You're not trying hard enough Mercedes!" Mr Shue yelled at her. Mercedes looked at him and proclaimed that she was done with The New Directions and being underappreciated. In response that Mr Shue gave her an ultimatum which was she could stay and continue to try the move or if she left she would be out of the club.

The end of the school week had quickly approached and boy was it another drama filled week in my life. Me and my dad had been arguing a lot more as I had finally yelled at him that I didn't want to do competitive swimming which had caused him to lose his temper with me and he had ended up scaring my younger sisters, Susie and Sally. I had then stormed out with my Cheerios bag packed with spare clothes and went to stay at Brittany's for the rest of the week to try and give my dad to cool off before anything else could happen. Mercedes and Rachel had their diva off and they were both really good so in the end Artie, Miss Pillsbury and Coach Bieste had decided to add a second week to the musical and give them both an equal amount of shows and matinees. This wasn't good enough for Mercedes though as she had ended up quitting the musical and The New Directions all together. Rachel had also caused some drama in the presidential race as she had decided to add herself to the race which caused a rift in her's and Kurt's friendship and left poor Finn stuck in the middle of them as he was unsure who to vote for; his girlfriend or his step-brother. Mr Shue had also had some issues in his life as we had found out as we had ended up backup singing with him performing Coldplay's 'Fix You'. The cast list had also been posted by Artie that showed all the casting which showed all the casting and that most people had gotten the roles they had wanted except from a few. And to top it off, Mercedes had gone to join Miss Corcoran's all girls singing group after the drama with the musical and Mr Shue and she had become the star power of the group which may lead to us having some competition from them after all.

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