Mash Off.

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The new school week began and it seemed pretty calm to start off with but thing took a weird turn in Cleo's opinion. The first performance of the week for glee was 'Hot for Teacher' by Puck and some of the glee guys. Cleo watched the guys slightly disturbed, wondering what angle Puck was going at with this song as she sat next to Rory in the choir room, watching their performance. As the song came to an end, Cleo watched as Mr Schue stood up and praised the boys for having a song without needing a lesson and Rachel asked if it was an inappropriate song. Cleo sighed as Puck said that he just liked Van Halen but she could tell there was something else going on but Mr Schue was as oblivious as usual to this. Cleo stood from her seat and rearranged her skirt and shrugged on her cheerios jacket before walking out the door with her bag before the bell for first period and walking towards her locker. She dialled in her combination and opened her locker and grabbed her books, shoving them into her bag before slamming the door shut, she was already feeling fed up with the week, she had her regional swim championship coming up and her dad had begun to push her harder with her swimming. Taking a deep breath, the brunette sighed and leaned her head against the cold locker door and held back her tears as she thought back to earlier that morning where she and her dad had argued once again and he'd told her not to come back until she was willing to work with him rather than against him.Hearing the bell go, Cleo stood up and composed herself before heading to her science class, walking in a few minutes late.

Cleo sighed and apologised as she walked into her class and sat her desk next to Rory, not daring to look at him or anyone else and instead focusing on getting her books and pens out. Opening her notebook, she started taking her notes but struggled to focus and her hand started top shake slightly as she felt her emotions get the best of her which made her tighten her grip on her pen and her knuckles to turn white. Rory looked over at the brunette cheerleader and softly put his hand on hers as a comforting gesture as the teacher continued to talk. Cleo looked over at him and sighed before looking away again and moving her hand from his and tried to write her notes but her vision soon became blurred by tears as her father's words came back to mind as he kicked her out.Cleo tightened her grip more, snapping her pen and jumping up as it snapped and dropped it on her book before turning and running out as she teared up more and tried to hold back her cries. Cleo stopped outside the classroom and leaned on the wall next to the door as she began to let her cries out, not bothering if the class heard her. She leaned forward as she cried and put her hands over her face as she continued to cry and raked one hand through her hair, pulling out her bobble and letting her brown locks down. She was so caught up in her sobbing that she hadn't noticed Rory come out of the class and sit next to her until her wrapped his arms around her and made shushing sounds into her hair to try and calm her. Cleo just continued to sob as she stayed in his arms, eventually calming down and sniffling as she got a tissue from her bag. "I..I'm sorry about that" She said timidly, not daring to the look at hi as she wiped her eyes and put her tissue in her pocket.
"It's okay, what happened? I've never seen you like that?" Rory asked with his thick accent as he looked at the brunette girl.
"You barely know me but I don't like to cry in public...It's stupid anyway and it's my fault." Cleo sighed as she went to stand up. "I just got in a fight with my dad and he kicked me out til I work with him on my swimming so I've got a suitcase of my crap in my car boot and nowhere to go." Cleo sighed before going to walk away and back into class but she was stopped by Rory. Cleo turned to look at him and sighed. "I'll be fine, I've been through this before and me and my dad always make up. I just gotta suck it up and do this stupid swimming championship and be grateful that my dad's taken such an interest in getting me where I am today." Cleo sighs, her tone taking on a bitter edge as she spoke. Rory looked at her and sighed, looking at the girl with mascara still smudged around her eyes and her hair a mess was a different sight to the usually composed and put together girl that he had been used to seeing over the past few weeks. Cleo turned and walked back into the classroom and grabbed her stuff before claiming that she had to go and she was sorry for disrupting the class, the teacher just nodding and letting her go.

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