A Broken Weekend.

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After her meltdown on Friday, Cleo had mostly remained silent and cooped up in her own thoughts and refusing to get out of bed Saturday morning. Sitting up in bed, Cleo brought her knees up to her chest and laid her head one her knees as Rory sat up and looked at her. "How about we go out and do some shopping or to see a movie?" Rory suggested as she he sat next to her but was dismayed when she didn't answer or at least look at him. "Come on Cleo, you can't stay cooped up in here all day, at least talk to me baby?" Rory asked softly as he moved to sit behind her and wrap his arms around her. "I know you're hurting but I wanna help" He whispered as he leaned his head on her shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to it. Cleo leaned back into him and moved her hands to rest on top of his but remained silent. Rory sighed and just continued to hold her and pres soft kisses to her shoulder and tell her that he was there for her. They stayed that way for a few hours, Rory still trying to get Cleo to agree to get out of bed with no luck. Cleo laid her head on Rory's chest and sighed softly before looking up at him as he looked down at her and sent her a soft smile. "How about we just go get dinner together?" Rory suggested softly as he looked down at her. Cleo thought about it for a moment and shook her head before looking away from him. Rory let out a soft sigh and kissed her head and just let his head rest against hers for a minute. "Please talk to me, I'm worried about you" He added as he teared up slightly as he pulled her closer to him.
"I...I'm sorry, don't cry..." Cleo said softly as she looked at him again, her hazel eyes locking onto his ice blue ones. "I'm sorry, I know you're trying to help me, I didn't mean to make you cry or worried" She added as she turned to face him and rested one of her hands on his cheek and gently wiped some tears away with her thumb.
"No, no don't blame yourself" Rory said as he looked at her, thankful she finally spoke to him. Cleo moved to rest on her knees and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close as he wrapped his arms back around her waist. "I just want you to know that I am here for you and so are others Cleo, I love you and so does everyone from glee" Rory whispered into her hair as he pulled her onto his knee. Cleo nodded and curled up in his lap and smiled.
"I know you wanna go out but I really just wanna stay in and be with you" Cleo said softly into his chest as she cuddled. "I just don't think I can deal with seeing happy families knowing that my own dad wants nothing to do with me if I won't swim." She said as her lip quivered slightly.
"No, shh, don't cry baby, I'm sorry" Rory said as he started to stroke her hair softly. "It's okay, we can stay in and cuddle, I'll order us some food and we can just stay here and watch films or sit in silence and cuddle if you'd prefer" Rory continued as he held her close.
"That sounds nice" Cleo muttered into his chest as she tried to hold back her tears.

A few hours later, Cleo was laying with Rory as they watched random movies on Netflix. Cleo moved to sit up as her stomach began to growl. "Crappy junk food?" Cleo asked him softly as she remembered him offering to order food earlier. Rory chuckled and nodded as he got his phone.
"What do you fancy?" He asked her softly as he sat up with her as they looked at takeaways on his phone and eventually chose something that they both fancied. After ordering, they continued watching 'Clueless' as they waited on their delivery of food. Cleo snuggled into Rory's side. "Thank you for being here for me, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you..." Cleo muttered softly as she stayed close to him as the movie continued. When there was a knock at the door, Cleo paused the movie as Rory went downstairs to collect their food and some plates and cutlery so they could eat. Cleo smiled and sat up as Rory brought their food up. "I so need to go back on my diet after this meal" Cleo said softly as she got her food on her plate.
"You don't need to diet, you're beautiful" Rory said as he sat next to her and kissed her head before starting his own food.
"I'm gonna be fat if I continue eating like crap" Cleo said after swallowing the food she had in her mouth. Rory shook his head and ate his food as Cleo ate hers too. Once they were finished, Cleo took their plates and rubbish down to the kitchen before returning to her room and cuddling back up to Rory. Cleo looked at him and kissed him softly before continuing their movie. Rory smiled and held her close and rubbed circles on her back as he watched the movie. After a while, he looked at the time and then at Cleo, noticing her asleep, curled into his side which lead to him turning the movie off an holding her as he laid down and held her.

Cleo woke up a few hours later and sighed as she looked at a sleeping Rory, she stroked his hair out of his face softly and smiled as he continued to sleep. Cleo sighs and sat up and got her phone as she looked at her background of her and her dad and sisters. Cleo sniffled and threw her phone at the wall in frustration before holding back her tears. Cleo got out of bed and picked her phone back up and noticed the cracked screen and teared up slightly. "Fuck sake" Cleo sighed as she unlocked her phone and put on her music, beginning to sing along to Evanescence's Whisper. As she sang, she zoned out and didn't notice Rory had woken up and that she had tears streaming down her face as she sang. Rory sighed and hugged Cleo as she finished her song. He pulled her back to lying down with him and rubbed circles on her back. "It's okay, I got you" Rory whispered into her hair before starting to hum and rocking her slightly as she began to calm back down. Rory held her as she started to fall asleep again, Rory held her as she slept and went back to sleep himself.

When the woke up on Sunday, they had spent the day in a similar manor to Saturday. Cleo sat with Rory curled up in bed and watching TV shows on Netflix and eating any sort of snacks that they had left from the day before. However, the day was slightly different as Cleo didn't dare to look at her phone as she just wanted to be happy with Rory and not worry about the fact she was split from her family. "You seem a little better today" Rory said softly as he held Cleo close to his chest.
"I just want to spend time with you and be happy because I love you and I don't want anything to ruin what we have at this moment" Cleo said softly as she pressed a soft kiss to his chest. Rory smiled and held her close as they spent their day curled up together in bed, watching whatever they could find. "Hey Rory, what happens at the end of this year with your foreign exchange programme?" Cleo asked as she looked at him.
"Well I'm going to ask to do my junior year here too if possible" Rory added. Cleo nodded and cuddled close and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Okay." Cleo smiled and curled up to him as they continued their binge watching session for the day.

(A.N- What do people think of mature scenes, I'm not sure if I'm gonna do any but if I do I will put a warning before hand and they won't impact on your reading if you don't want to read any intimate scenes as they'll be in chapters like this and I can put a warning when it's starting so you can skip and then a line when it ends so you continue the chapter from that point etc)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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