Pot o'Gold.

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Monday rolled around pretty quickly for Cleo and she was quite thankful for it as she would get to see all her friends. Skipping from her car to the entrance of the school, the petite brunette hummed to herself, being in a particularly good mood that morning. Cleo approached her locker and spun the dial to input her locker combination before grabbing her necessary textbooks for her first lessons. With her books in hand she headed to meet Brittany at her locker so they could head to their first classes together and as she approached her blonde haired friend she also spotted Rory stood with Brittany. "Hey Brits, Rory" Cleo said softly as she walked up to them.
"Hey Cleo, Rory told me that he'll grant me three wishes! Isn't that awesome!" Brittany said excitedly as she turned to face the brunette. Cleo looked gone out for a minute before smiling and nodding at the blonde cheerleader.
"I almost forgot he's your leprechaun" Cleo said softly as she smiled at the both and giggled softly. Brittany looked at Cleo and smiled more and looped her arm through Cleo's.
"Maybe he'll grant you three wishes too!" Brittany exclaimed as she began to walk down the halls towards the choir room for rehearsal, leaving Rory behind. Cleo walked alongside Brittany and sighed as she thinks.
"I don't need any wishes Brit, I've got everything I need, great friends and family, a steady academic record and my athletic extracurricular activities." Cleo says softly to her friend as they go and take their seats beside Santana. Cleo thought as she pulled her hair to one side and started braiding it before tying it off and letting it rest on her shoulder before paying attention to the other members of Glee. From what she could make out, some of the other members were distressed over Mercedes having left them but Brittany was mumbling about what she should choose for her three wishes from Rory. Cleo thought to herself as she looked through her phone at her social media pages and deciding what her plans for that afternoon were.

After Glee rehearsal, Cleo headed to her Maths class and sat in a spare seat as she got her notepad out as well as her advanced maths textbook she was sure they'd be working through that day as there was a substitute teacher as Miss Wells had been off with the flu. Her suspicions were soon proven true as the substitute teacher came in and told them which pages to work through for that lesson. Cleo sighed and flicked open her notepad and her textbook to the appropriate pages before sighing as she sees the pages were on algebra. 'Could always be worse I guess.' Cleo thought to herself as she started to write the equations into her notepad and solving them as well as she could. 'I really cannot be arsed with algebra today but hey if I take my time, maybe class will go quicker' She thought to herself again as she read through the equation she was working on. Cleo looked up at the clock after a while of studying her equations as she was reaching the end of the last page that was required for that lesson. 'Thank god, only 10 more minutes left and then it's history, not like that's any better for me I suck at history.' Cleo sighed as she thought to herself before finishing her final equation before the lesson finished. As the bell rung, Cleo proceeded to pick up her books and place them neatly into her bag before exiting the classroom into the crowded halls of William McKinley high school.

Her next lesson passed surprisingly quickly and before she knew it, Cleo was back in the choir room for lunch time glee rehearsal where again Tina was still mourning the loss of Mercedes. However, this time Cleo could sense some slight tension in the room which started as Rachel walked in late claiming she was hanging her posters for the presidential race. 'Oh great, so she got her lead role and now she's still stabbing Kurt in the back for student council president.' Cleo thought to herself as Kurt made a comment towards Rachel. Cleo could tell that Finn was beginning to get fed up of the fighting as he stood up and told everyone to be quiet and started a pep talk about how they all needed to come together as a team instead of being at each other's throats which Blaine agreed with which seemed to anger Finn. Cleo took a moment to stand up as well. "Guys we also need to sort out the fact that we still need new members." Cleo added to try and diffuse the tension as she played with the end of her braid before taking her seat once again. It was after that point that Mr Schue had walked in and announced that due to budget cuts that there was a possibility that they would have to cancel the musical unless they could raise funds themselves by selling adverts in the musical programmes.

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