Back Home, What Fun.

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Cleo's POV

I had been staying at Brittany's house since my big argument with my dad, I just hadn't felt like going back home yet, it wasn't that I was scared of my dad it was that I didn't want to cause more trouble that led to Susie and Sally being scared again. I might not get on well with my dad but I didn't want my younger sisters to be scared. I was sitting in the spare room at the Pierce household when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted, think it was probably Brittany with Lord Tubbington, her cat. However, I was surprised when the door opened revealing her parents instead.
"Sorry to disturb you." Her mother said politely while walking into the room.
"It's fine I was just looking at my Facebook feed, what can I do for you?" I asked softly as I sat up on the bed.
"You know we love having you here, it's just that we're gonna need this room back, it's not that we want it to seem like we're kicking you out, that isn't it" Brittany's mum started off saying as she sat on the bed beside me as Brittany's dad stood in the doorway. "It's just that we said that we'd take on any foreign exchange students coming to McKinley, as we had a spare room and we've just been informed that there's a lad from Ireland on his way. As far as we know he's set to start at McKinley on this coming Monday so he'll probably be here before the weekend." She ended. I smiled at her and stood up.
"That's okay, I just wanted to give my dad sometime to cool off, I should be out of your hair tomorrow after school's finished if that's okay with you?" I asked as it was Thursday evening and I had been there since Tuesday night.
"Thank you sweetie, obviously you're more than welcome to come round whenever and if you do need to stay again, we can set you up in Brit's room or on the couch." Mrs Pierce said to me.
"Thank you, that's really kind of you." I said as I gave her a quick hug. After that they both left and I sorted my stuff out ready to leave the next day before I went to bed.

The next day, I woke up fairly early and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom and brushing through my curls which had started to become more defined again. After a while of brushing my hair to a bearable state I pulled it up into a high pony for Cheerios and brushed my teeth. After that I was on my way back to the spare room when I heard a knock on the door. I waited to see if anyone else was awake and going to answer it but when I saw no-one else, i made my way downstairs and grabbed Brittany's set of keys from a bowl near the door and unlocked it. After it was unlocked, I opened it and was face to face with a boy around my age who had brown hair and blue eyes. "Um hi?" I asked him softly once I came out of my shocked state, he was actually pretty cute looking but I still didn't know who he was.
"Hi, my name's Rory Flanagan, I'm the foreign exchange student from Ireland" He introduced himself. 'Gosh he has the cutest accent.' I thought to myself.
"Ah of course, sorry, I'll just get Mrs Pierce for you, would you like to come in?" I asked him softly as I moved out the way to let him come in with his suitcase. After that I went upstairs and knocked on Mrs Pierce's door. She opened the door and looked at me confused.
"Are you okay Cleo?" She asked me softly.
"Yeah, sorry I got up early and the foreign exchange student is here, I just thought I'd let you know. Sorry I already let him in." I said awkwardly as I looked at her. She gave me a soft smile and nodded.
"Thank you sweetie, I'll take it from now, you go get ready." She said to me softly. I nodded and went back to the room and put on my Cheerios uniform before making sure I had everything packed so Rory could unpack after I had left.

I had went back downstairs after I had finished getting my stuff and walked into the kitchen where the Pierce family and Rory had gathered. "Hey Brittany I'll see you at school. Mr and Mrs Pierce thanks for having me again and Rory I'll see you when you start school." I said to them as I finished putting on my shoes and Cheerios jacket.
"Are you going already?" Brittany asked me as she looked up from her breakfast. "Not gonna stay for breakfast?" She added on.
"No, I'm fine Brit, should probably head home and make sure that I have everything I need for school and see if my dad needs any help, plus I have none of my swim gear so I need to get that for practice tonight." I told her softly.
"Okay my little mermaid, I'll come with you to practice, I want to see your mermaid tail today!" Brittany said, rather loudly to me.
"I already told you Brit, my tail won't come out." I said softly, giggling slightly as she pouted. After that I let myself out and started heading back towards my house.

Arriving back home, I noticed my dad's car was still in the drive way which meant he was still in, which was what I expected to be honest. I walked up to the door and unlocked it before walking in. As soon as I got in the door, my younger sisters had ran to me from the kitchen and attacked me with hugs and started saying how much they had missed me. A few minutes later, my dad came out from the kitchen and looked at me, giving me a small smile and nod.
"Have I missed breakfast?" I asked softly, looking at my dad. "Need to keep my strength up for swim practice tonight." I added on which made my dad smile more.
"I can make you something up quickly, your bag's all packed for it." He told me softly. I nodded and walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry I got so angry dad." I apologised before we pulled away and went into the kitchen where my dad made me a quick breakfast and made me a packed lunch for the day. After breakfast was done, I got all my stuff together and helped Susie and Sally with their things before we all got into my dad's car and he drove us to our schools.

School had gone by fairly quickly, me and Brittany had met up after our last lessons and went to the school's pool again as Brittany had really wanted to talk to me and also she was convinced I would turn into a mermaid for her. "I have to tell you a secret Cleo." Brittany said to me as I was changing into my swim gear.
"What is it Brit?" I asked slightly confused as I stuck my swim cap down so the water wouldn't get my hair.
"I have a leprechaun!" She exclaimed loudly, I turned to look at her confused. "So now I have a mermaid and a leprechaun, I have so much magic in my life." She said happily.
"That's great Brit, I'm happy for you." I told her. I still didn't want to ruin her fantasy she lived in, she was such a sweet girl and I didn't want to upset her by stamping all over what she believed in. After we finished talking, we went to the pool and I did my warm ups as my swim coach entered with my dad and sisters to watch me do my laps and time them. After i had finished my laps, my coach had told me that they were some of my better times and my dad said we could go out to celebrate. I also asked him if we could invite Brittany and her family, to thank them for having let me stay with them, which he agreed to. We went to Breadstix for dinner and met Brittany's family and Rory there and it was as great evening, I was quite glad me and my dad had managed to make up fairly quickly, even if meant I had to be slightly unhappy by continuing to swim but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make to keep the peace. The dinner was full of good conversation and laughs, I also got to get to know Rory quite a bit which I enjoyed as he was actually pretty cool. Turns out he really loved America and was happy to be here so that was nice for him. We actually found out we had a lot in common apart from his love of Victoria Secret Magazines and we exchanged phone numbers. Me, Rory and Brittany had also arranged to do stuff together over the weekend so I ended up going and staying at the Pierce's house again so it was easier for us to meet up to do this. But before I went, my dad had told me that he had a surprise for me so we all went back to my house first.

Arriving back at mine, my dad took me into the garage attached to the house and inside was a blue Toyota yaris. "So what do you think?" He asked me.
"Wait, this is mine?" I asked him excitedly as I looked at the car.
"Well it has been a while since you passed and I know you've wanted a car since that moment so here you go, it'll come in handy for school when I don't have time to take you." My dad said to me afterwards. I hugged him tightly and teared up slightly.
"I love it thank you dad!" I yelled as I pulled away from him. He then gave me the keys and told me that I could take it to Brittany's so that we could go to do things easier over the weekend. Lets just say that the weekend was full of fun and we all had an amazing time and Brittany kept going on about how she was lucky to have two magical beings in her life. We had been out to arcades, water parks and been to see a few films. We even took a trip to the beach where me and Brittany had buried Rory in the sand near the ocean and it was just full of laughter and we got to let go from the stresses of being a student for just one weekend and it was one of the best weekends I've had for a while. But I was exhausted by the time Monday had rolled around but it wasn't anything that a couple of energy drinks couldn't fix. One of the best parts was that on Monday I was able to drive myself to school which was one of the best feelings to me, finally a bit of independence in my life which felt amazing.

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