The First Time.

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Cleo sighed as she woke up and got out of bed at the beginning of a new week and sighed as she went ovwer to her closet and picked out her Cheerios uniform before laying it on her bed. She then proceeded to brush her wavy brown locks back into a high pony for Cheerios practice that afternoon and then getting dressed in her uniform and trainers. While sitting at her vanity and sorting out her makeup for the day, she heard the door open and heard the twins arguing. "Susie, Sally what's wrong now?" Cleo giggled as she turned to look at her younger sisters while rubbing her lips together to spread her lip balm."Dad's gone work early and we can't decide what to ask you for breakfast, I want pancakes!" Susie exclaimed as she looked at her older sister."But I want something with bacon" Sally added as she also glanced up at her elder sister."Well how about a compromise and we do pancakes and bacon?" Cleo suggested to the younger, identical girls who then cheered and agreed. Cleo giggled and headed downstairs to the kitchen with the girls and made them all breakfast as well as their lunches for the day before sitting down to eat with the young girls. After they had all finished their food, Cleo quickly washed the pots before putting the younger girls' hair into braids and getting their car seats and taking them to her car so she could drive them to school.

After dropping of the twins, she had arrived at school herself and sighed as she grabbed her bag from her passenger seat and opening her door before getting out. Cleo had been dreading this day, it was the first day back after she had dropped the bomb that she was quitting glee and the musical and she was dreading bumping into anyone from glee. So far she had managed to reach her locker without seeing anyone much to her relief, however this was short lived as Finn approached her and cleared his throat. Cleo sighed and turned to look at the taller boy after butting her things she didn't require into her locker. "How can I help you?" Cleo asked him as she raised an eyebrow."Come back to glee, I don't understand why you quit, you fit in well." Finn said as he looked down at the brunette cheerleader."I don't have time anymore and I've got more important thing in my life." Cleo said before turning to walk away from the tall boy. Once she had got away from Finn she sighed and walked into her English class and sat down at a spare desk and pulled out her writing journal and continued a story she had started as she was early. Cleo sighed as she thought over her decision to quit glee, not noticing someone sitting down next to her until she heard their voice and recognised the Irish accent. "Morning Cleo." Rory said as he sat next to her, to which Cleo replied with a nod as she focused on her story she was writing. Rory sighed as he looked over the brunette's shoulder and started reading what she was writing as she wasn't in the mood for talking he realised. Cleo sighed as she finished her paragraph and shut her book despite class still not having started and looked at the Irish lad. "What can I do for you leprechaun?" She asks as she looks at him as she tightens her ponytail."I was just seeing if you were okay and if you'd reconsider your choice on glee, I'd like to see you more mermaid." Rory said to the girl who looked at him shocked."Why are you calling me a mermaid?" Cleo retaliated, not answering his question about glee."Brittany told me you're a mermaid and you called me leprechaun." Rory said, smiling goofily at the brunette who just shook her head."I'll think about glee, maybe." Cleo said before the bell went.

Classes went by pretty quickly for the morning and it was lunch sooner than Cleo had realised. She sighed as she grabbed her bag and started making her way to her locker, walking past the auditorium she walked in and sat at the back as she watched her friends rehearsing for the musical. Looking down at the stage she proceeded to watch the rehearsal and smiled but sighed as she started regretting her choice to leave but she couldn't go back, she was a quitter now and she had to live with it. Standing up, she quietly snuck out, thinking no one had seen her but a certain Irish lad had caught glimpse of her watching the rehearsal and he smiled to himself. Cleo walked down the halls and stopped at her locker and pulled her books out and her lunch before heading to the field to sit and eat her lunch as she considered her choices, to go back to glee or to not. Sitting down on the bleachers she started thinking to herself before noticing other people joining her, she looke dup from her salad and noticed Rory and Finn sat down in front of her, facing her. "Can I help you boys?" Cleo asked as she started to mix her salad dressing into the salad."We saw you at rehearsal, we know you want to come back. Well actually Rory noticed you" Finn said to her as he motioned towards the Irish lad sat opposite him. Cleo sighed and looked at the two lads and looked down."Yes I want to come back but I just don't know if I can." Cleo said before starting to eat her salad as the two boys watched her and thought."You could always come join us at glee practice this afternoon and see how it goes?" Finn suggested."I suppose that could work, count me in I really do miss it." Cleo said before looking at him. She continued to eat her salad as the two boys left her to it and she thought over the idea of rejoining glee club and smiled at it.That afternoon, after lessons had finished Cleo headed towards the choir room but stopped outside the room, not daring to walk in until Finn noticed her and went and pulled her in and announced that Cleo was rejoining. Cleo just smiled and looked at the other members of the New Directions who happily welcomed her back into the group. They then jumped straight into musical rehearsal and that's how the rest of the week til opening night went. Opening night ran pretty smoothly too and it had been a pretty successful week and now it was on to worrying about beating Shelby's group, who were now called 'The Troubletones', at sectionals in a few weeks time.

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