I Am Unicorn.

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Cleo's POV

A new week had started at McKinley and already stress had began to set in for me. I was already busy with ensuring I had enough time for all my extracurricular activities such as Cheerios and Glee but also ensuring I could get good grades in class and not fall behind while also maintaining swimming practice with my dad at home. To say the new year had just started I already felt like I was drowning in stress and there was still so much more to come. From what I could tell from my lessons so far, I needed to start preparing for random pop quizzes at any time as teachers liked to be evil to us and spring them on us unexpectedly. There was also auditions for West Side Story for Glee club which Mr Shue announced would be starting soon, however, he would not be directing the musical this year, instead he had enlisted the help of Coach Beiste and Miss Pillsbury and a student director which he hoped Artie would be, he gladly accepted after a bit of persuasion from the group. I walked up to my locker and entered my combination and looked inside at all the books as I adjusted my Cheerios uniform and sorted out my windswept curly ponytail, looking in the mirror stuck on the inside of my locker door. After deciding my appearance was alright, I sorted out my class books and then shut my locker and walked towards the Choir room for pre-class Glee club meeting. On my walk I bumped into Brittany who had just walked out of the girls room. "Hey Cleo." Brittany said to me."Hey Brit-Brit." I replied softly as I looked over at her and tightened my ponytail."How do you go swimming, don't your legs turn into a mermaid tail?" Brittany asked softly as she looked over at me. Now let me explain, Brittany seemed to think I was a mermaid, I have no idea how it started but when we were getting to know each other I mentioned about my swimming and how my hair was always naturally curly when she asked how I did my hair to look so natural. From then onwards she always asked me about if I had a mermaid tail and if she could see it one day, I think she may have watched way too much H2O: Just Add Water and she thinks I'm Cleo from the show but I have no clue."I told you before Brit, it doesn't happen, I don't know why." I said to her softly, not wanting to break her fantasy she lived in."Maybe it's because your magic!" Brittany exclaimed to me as we reached the choir room. I nodded and hugged her before going and taking a seat.

After practice I left and headed towards my first lesson, Glee rehearsal was quite uneventful we just discussed what we were gonna do now to try and get new members. As I walked along the corridors to my English class I spotted Shelby Corcoran, Rachel's mother, heading towards the teacher's lounge. "Miss Corcoran what are you doing here?" I asked her softly as she stopped and turned to look at me."Oh hey Cleo, I'm a teacher here now, Al Motta made a donation for me to start a new glee club for his daughter" She told me softly. I nodded and thought about where I knew that name from."Wait Al Motta, father of Sugar Motta?" I asked her in disbelief, he had also been the person who had donated us the pianos for the purple piano project."That's the one" Shelby said softly before she left and went into the teacher's lounge. I sighed and thought, 'at least there's no risk of competition from them'. I then proceeded towards my classroom and took a seat with Mercedes and took out all my equipment that I would need for that lesson. English was one of the subjects that I really enjoyed, it gave me an escape from all the stresses I had in the form of creative writing which was luckily what today's lesson was. After our teacher, Mr Gregson had explained what he expected by the end of the lesson, I had started on my story deciding to write a horror in ways, we were allowed to do whatever genre we wanted but it had to be at least 1 and 1/2 A4 pages by the end of the hour lesson. As soon as my pen touched the paper I began to get ideas down on how to start the story which then lead to several paragraphs being written within the first half an hour, what can I say once I get going that's it I'm fully focused on my writing and nothing else. Because of this the class had gone by a lot quicker than I had expected it to go and I was only pulled out of my focus by the loud bell ringing to signalise the end of lesson, luckily I had finished the sentence I had been writing by that point. I looked at my note book and saw that I had manged to complete 2 pages of my story in the hour and I had to say I was quite proud of it.

A few classes had gone by and it was time for lunch which meant that I had to quickly eat and then head to the schools pool to get my laps in as that afternoon Mr Shue was doing booty camp for members of The New Directions who had been struggling with their dance moves with the help of Mike to teach them. I wasn't necessarily a bad dancer, after all I was a cheerio, and Mr Shue hadn't mentioned my name in the list of people who needed help but I asked if I could come along to help support my fellow teammates. I entered the cafeteria and went and sat at the Glee table and pulled out my packed healthy lunch for my diet that my dad put me on in order to prepare for competition season, I swear he wanted me to win more than I did myself and sometimes I just wanted to give up and scream. However, I knew that I couldn't otherwise I'd just cause more trouble at home then there already was. Sighing to myself, I began to eat slowly while keep an eye on the time. After finishing my lunch, I put my lunchbox back into my bag and made sure I had everything I needed such as my swimsuit, swim cap, goggles and a towel which I did. I then stood up and left my friends after saying my farewells and headed to girls locker room near the swimming pool.

After getting changed, I made sure my hair was completely covered by my swim cap and then entered the pool and started swimming to warm up. It's not that I hate swimming, it's just not the same now that my dad was forcing me to do it just for winning. I used to enjoy competing for fun but then as soon as I started winning my dad made it all about winning and that swimming was going to be my life. After warming up, I got out and prepared to dive in and start my laps after putting my goggles on. I continued to practice into my next period which was a free period and no-one else needed the pool. I stopped for a break, sitting on the side of the pool and staring down at my reflection in the pool. I sighed and gently kicked my legs back and forth, watching the reflection ripple as I did. Eventually I got out and went back into the locker rooms, quickly washing my body while leaving my swim cap on so my hair didn't get wet. When I was done, I dried off and put my Cheerios uniform back on and headed to the auditorium and got ready for my audition for West Side Story, I was only going to be a background character, i couldn't handle extra stress of being a main character with everything else that was happening in my life. My audition went quite well, I sang Part of Me by Katy Perry as it was the song I had been rehearsing recently and it spoke to me quite a bit, me and my dad had an argument that morning about me quitting Glee as it was getting in the way of my swimming and it wasn't useful to me but it was something that me and my mum had done together before we lost her so singing had always reminded me of her.

A few days had went by of booty camp and everything else that was happening and Quinn had decided to rejoin The New Directions, which I had discovered was because she had wanted to see Beth again but Miss Corcoran wouldn't let her unless she cleaned up her act, Santana had also rejoined, of course she hadn't told Sue about it, and claimed she would be loyal again. Auditions for West Side Story had also continued, Rachel had auditioned for Maria, Kurt had auditioned for Tony and Santana for Anita. Mercedes was also auditioning for Maria soon but she had been having a lot of problems recently with Mr Shue which I hadn't fully understood so I had chose to stay out of it and just help other teammates who were struggling to grasp the dance moves that me and Mike had been showing them. Another audition that had occurred this week was that Blaine had auditioned, which me and Kurt watched from a distance, but the directors were shocked he was only auditioning for a background character and had asked him if instead he would like to audition for Tony. This had upset Kurt quite a bit but he had pretended to be okay with it as he left the auditorium but I could tell it had really hurt it that everyone thought he wasn't masculine enough to play Tony.

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